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Archival description
7 · Collection · 1871-2018+

These series contains records about St. Cloud State University commencement, dating from 1871 to 2009. Additions to this series will be ongoing.

Arranged chronologically, the main focus of the records are the programs. Programs were issued for each ceremony, listing names of those who graduated and the degree that was received. Early programs do not list graduates, but instead just the events surrounding commencement.

Starting in 2000, commencement was split into two: one for undergraduate students and one for graduate students. Thus, there were two programs. It later combined into a single program.

Other material is contained here, including invitations, speeches of commencement speakers, and audio and video of commencement, dating back to 1968.

The commencement records are split into four separate series.

Series 1: Reference Copy

This series contains the most complete run of SCSU commencement programs. There is one copy for each commencement program that the Archives has.

Series 2: Archives Copy

This series contains, when possible, two copies of each commencement program. Commencement programs here are duplicated in Series 1.

Series 3: Other Material

Contained in this series are invitations, schedules, and other material related to the commencement ceremony. Text of speeches, dated mostly from the 1960s, are in this series as well.

Series 4: Audio/Visual

This series has audio and video of commencement programs dating back to 1968. Some years there is only audio, which is on either cassette tape or reel to reel. Video exists here for many commencement ceremonies, especially after 1999, though there is earlier video. Video formats include VHS and DVD.

St. Cloud State University
8 · Collection · 1966-2018

These boxes contain records about St. Cloud State University presidential inaugurations, dating from 1966 to 2008. The presidential inaugurations included here are for the following people who held office: Robert Wick, Charles Graham, Brendan McDonald, Roy Saigo, and Earl Potter, III. Additions to these series may be ongoing.

Arranged chronologically, the main focus of the records is the preparation for the inaugurations and the ceremonies themselves. Included in the records are detailed schedules of events, press releases, invitations and guest lists.

Other material is contained here, including correspondence, reports, and audio/video of presidential inaugurations.

The Presidential Inauguration records are split into five separate series.

Series 1: Robert Wick, 1965-1971

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 14th President, Dr. Robert Wick, who held office from 1965 to 1971. The inauguration was held during the weekend of October 28th and 29th of 1966. The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra performed at this event.

The series contains a vast array of materials, which include schedules, the Inaugural Address on an audio track (reel-to-reel) in mono at 3 ¾ ips, 2 reels of film, copies of speeches, invitations and programs. The collection also includes two large scrapbooks and many 8 x 10” labeled photographs, in both matte and glossy format.

Series 2: Charles Graham, 1971-1981

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 15th President, Dr. Charles Graham, who held office from 1971 to 1981. The inauguration was held during the weekend of March 3rd and 4th of 1972. The musical performance at this ceremony was by Doc Severinsen of “The Tonight Show” fame.

The series contains materials created by the following committees: Ceremony Committee, Concerts Committee, Publicity and Printing Committee, and the Reception Committee. The series also includes 1 reel-to-reel audio track at 3 ¾ ips along with an audiocassette, press releases, a personal information sheet on Dr. Graham, newspaper clippings, memorandum, rosters, correspondence, guest lists, and invitations. Other materials include numerous letters of congratulations and certificates from local academic institutions.

Series 3: Brendan McDonald, 1982-1992

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 17th President, Dr. Brendan McDonald, who held office from 1982-1992. The inauguration was held on February 26, 1983.

The series contains materials created by the Steering Committee. It also includes one VHS and one cassette tape of the inauguration ceremony, correspondence, financial information, invitations, press releases, programs, and speeches.

Series 4: Roy Saigo, 2000-2007

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 21st President, Dr. Roy Saigo, who held office from 2000-2007. The inauguration was held on April 21, 2001.

Series 5: Earl Potter III, 2007-2016

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 22nd President, Dr. Earl H. Potter III. Contained in this series is an invitation to the inauguration ceremony and the program that was given to attendees. The inauguration was held on September 19, 2008.

Series 6: Robbyn Wacker

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 24st President, Dr. Robbyn Wacker, who held office from 2018-2024.

St. Cloud State University
9 · Collection · 1957-2008

There are eleven boxes in this collection which contain records about the Center for Information Media at St. Cloud State University. The records date from 1957 to 2008. Additions to the series may be ongoing.

The records in this collection are arranged into ten series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Correspondence, 1971-1990

This series has correspondence and interoffice memorandums from the Center of Information Media.

Series 2: Curriculum, 1957-1990

By far the largest series out of the group, the Curriculum series contains information on the different programs that the Center for Information Media has offered in the past, from certification and licensure courses to graduate programs.  This series includes course schedules, syllabi, and information on enrollment.

Series 3: Finances, 1965-1981

This series includes information on CIM’s budget, grants, and the Luther Brown Scholarship Program.

Series 4: Minutes, 1964-2006

Faculty meeting minutes make up the bulk of this series.

Series 5: Multimedia, 1965-1977

The Center for Information Media created multi-media for some of its earlier events, including a reel-to-reel from a conference in 1965 to an audio cassette recording of Luther Brown’s retirement party in 1977.

Series 6: Photographs, 1972-1973

This series includes black and white photo albums of CIM graduates and graduation ceremonies from the early 1970s.

Series 7: Publications, 1962-2008

The Center for Information Media publishes its own newsletter which can be found in this series.  Newsletters dating from 2002-2008 can also be viewed on the Center’s website:

Series 9: Staffing, 1965-2000

Included in this series are memorandums regarding job descriptions and information on staffing.

Series 10: University of North Dakota Joint Program, 1968-1982

For a brief period, St. Cloud State University had a joint library/audio-visual program with the University of North Dakota.

Information Media, Center for
Records of the Chronicle
24 · Collection · 1924-2020+

The Chronicle is a student published newspaper at St. Cloud State University. A wide variety of topics are covered including campus events, athletics, and people, as well as the St. Cloud community itself.

Times published per year varied over time, from twice a month to twice a week to once a month. The last printed issue dates was in April 2017, but printing of a physical issue began again in March 2019 and ended in March 2020. Issues were then born digital until April 2021. As of the spring of 2024, the Chronicle is entirely online.

Series four contains negatives, contact sheets, and photographs that appeared in each issue of the Chronicle from 1970 to 1990. Only a very small number of images appeared in each issue, yet there are images from a story that were not used or for images that did not make the final copy of the Chronicle.

St. Cloud State University
42 · Collection

This collection contains records from the Department of Music at St. Cloud State University, totaling 12 boxes. The records date from 1923-2009, with the vast majority of the items pertaining to faculty meeting minutes as well as student and faculty musical performances. Miscellaneous department records comprise a significant portion of this collection and range in content from department handbooks and newsletters to various scrapbooks.

The collection is arranged into three series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Faculty Meetings and Memorandum, 1960-1998

This series consists of department meeting minutes along with the notes and documents pertaining to each meeting. The subject matter of the materials is primarily related to: curriculum and program developments/requirements for undergraduate and graduate students, enrollment and budgetary figures/estimates, the organization of workshops and camps, sabbatical leaves and faculty changes, and special committee and council proposals, activities, evaluations, and requests. Materials are organized chronologically by date of meeting.

Series 2: Recitals and Performances, 1924-2009

This series contains promotional materials and programs for performances held at SCSU or by SCSU faculty and students. The series is arranged chronologically according to type of performance. All guest and visitor performances hosted by the music department are organized by date and arranged separately from all SCSU faculty, music group, and student performances. The programs most frequently pertain to: student and faculty recitals, Christmas concerts, fine arts and jazz festivals, ensemble performances and competitions, concert series and tours, division conferences, guest concerts and recitals, and joint SCSU/guest performances. Beginning in 1995, email notifications were used to promote performances and are therefore included in this series.

Series 3: Miscellaneous, 1936-2009

This series is organized first by subject matter and subsequently by date. The majority of the records pertain to departmental planning, program and curriculum development, and the promotion of educational opportunities such as scholarships, graduate assistantships, workshops, and camps. The series includes various forms of publications, including: student handbooks, brochures, calendars, scrapbooks, songbooks, newsletters, and syllabi. There are a total of three scrapbooks as well as additional materials highlighting the activities of particular music groups. Records date from 1936-2009 but major extent are from 1970s and 1980s.

38 · Collection · 1956-2012

This collection contains records from the Department of Theatre, Film Studies, and Dance at St. Cloud State University.  There are 32 boxes and five oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1956-2007 with the vast majority of the items pertaining to the theatre division. Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into three series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Administrative Records, 1961-2007

This series includes minutes from staff meetings, building plans, correspondence, and the theatre department’s newsletter, amongst other items.

Series 2: Play Files, 1956-2011

Here is where the bulk of the collection can be found.  The play files, which are alphabetical order by play title, include photographs, posters, and programs for productions that were performed at St. Cloud State University.  There are also records in this series that pertain to SCSU theatre students and producers who took their performances overseas.  The first performances abroad were at military outposts located in Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and Baffin Island in 1961.  They would go on to perform in Germany for the military in 1964.  And in 1987, actors traveled to China to perform in Universities throughout the country.  The larger production posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order. In addition, there is a folder of material from the County Stearns Theaterical Company.

Series 3: Publications, 1978-2001

This series includes newsletters and student handbooks.

Series 4: Costume Sketches, 1970s-early 1990s

Theatre faculty member Harvey Jurik created 502 costume sketches for theatre productions sponsored by St. Cloud State University, 500 which are digitized. The sketches illustrate the character costume designs as well as several scenes for various plays performed from the 1970s through the early 1990s.

Theatre, Film Studies, and Dance
22 · Collection · 1916-1918

10 monthly issues of the Normal School Recorder were published by students between 1916 and 1918.

The Normal School Recorder was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Most of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by St. Cloud State students. Articles focused a great deal on campus; students wrote about family members, travel, athletics, student literary clubs, arrival and departure of faculty, and experience with others or events on campus. The publication often reported on the whereabouts and happenings of recent graduates. Especially fascinating were the stories about World War I, many documenting what was happening on campus, as well as the experiences of students and alums who were serving as soldiers.

All issues are available online. To see online, click on each issue in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The issues can be found at

St. Cloud State University
14 · Collection · 1874-2006

There are thirteen boxes in this collection which contain records from (and also about) the St. Cloud State Alumni Association. The records date from 1874 to 2006.

The records in this collection are arranged chronologically into seven series. The seven series are:

Series 1: Correspondence, 1914-1974

This series contains correspondence between members of the Alumni Association and also to graduates whilst attempting to create a directory of former students. There is much more correspondence (such as personal letters, greeting cards, and obituaries) that can be found in the Alumni Affairs records.

Series 2: Events, 1881-2006

This series is divided into the many events that the Alumni Association has sponsored throughout the years, such as banquets, reunions, homecoming celebrations, etc. The series contains invitations, reel-to-reel tapes, audio cassettes, and questionnaire forms. The Riverview Reunion folder contains items such as questionnaires/forms, invitations, and correspondence with the former students of the Riverview laboratory school on the campus of St. Cloud State University. The school was used by college students at St. Cloud State to learn how to teach children.

Series 3: Finances, 1932-1995

Included in this series are treasurer reports, ledgers, proposed budgets, statements of assets, expense reports, and share savings account books. The series also contains the paperwork related to the estates of two former St. Cloud State community members, Bessie Campbell and Isabel Lawrence.

Bessie Campbell was a student who bequeathed her home to the Alumni Association. Under the terms of the will, one-fourth of the proceeds were to be set aside for a memorial to honor her sister, Gertrude Campbell. The rest of the money was to be used for freshmen loans. The folder includes such items as property sale bids, correspondence, and resolutions.

There is also a folder for a former faculty member of the school, Miss Isabel Lawrence. Miss Lawrence was a teacher at St. Cloud State Teachers College for forty-two years. She had an unfortunate accident which fractured her hip and landed her in the hospital. The Alumni Association began a fund to reach $2300.00 in cash in order for Miss Lawrence to receive the teacher’s pension for 1931 and also a yearly income of $1054.34. Included in the papers are correspondence related to the estate, a copy of Miss Lawrence’s will, and receipts.

Series 4: History, 1874-1997

The History series contains information not only on the history of the Alumni Association, but also of the Student Alumni Advisory Board, newspaper clippings, a questionnaire regarding the College Chronicle, membership information, brochures, blank award certificates, etc. There is also an informative report included here titled, History of the St. Cloud State University Alumni Association April 28, 1881-April 28, 1981. This was a student project completed by John Urke.

Also included in the history section is an actual Distinguished Alumni Award that was presented to Helen Hill in 1967 by the Alumni Association at St. Cloud State College.

Series 5: Minutes, 1881-1996

This series contains the agendas and minutes from the meetings of various committees involved with the Alumni Association. These include the Alumni Association Committee, the Board of Directors Committee, the Finance Committee and the Budget Subcommittee, the Friedrich Fund Committee, the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Student Alumni Advisory Board Committee, and the Young Alumni Committee.

Series 6: Publications, 1908-1998

Included in this series are periodicals that the Alumni Association published throughout the years, as well as items relating to alumni associations in general.

Series 7: Miscellaneous

This series contains a scrapbook of past 50th year anniversary reunions of St. Cloud State classes.  The scrapbook includes images of alums at the reunion events as well as a small amount of images of alums while they were students at St. Cloud State.

Alumni Association
44 · Collection · 1962-2004

This collection contains photographic negatives taken by the University Photographer, or at least someone in Information Services (later known as University Communications) early on. Nearly all of the negatives remain unpublished. The images cover a wide possible variety of topics - athletics, buildings and grounds, events, and people from 1962 to 2004. Because the images were taken by St. Cloud State employees, St. Cloud State clearly owns the copyright.

Negatives are scant here after 2001, presumbly due to the advent of digital photography.

The negatives of the images are filed by job number with a short title; keywords may appear in the description field, especially for buildings and people if known. If any image was published and recognized, the name of the publication and date were recorded in the description field as well. Many more were likely published but not identified as such.

Nearly all negatives are on 35mm film, though other sizes, such as 2.5 x 2.5 inches and 4 x 5 inches, are present.

Most jobs have contact sheets after 1970 - those before likely do not.

Before 1991, nearly all of the images are black and white. Those images that are in color before 1991 are indicated.  From 1991 and after, most of the negatives are in color, and are almost exclusively in color as time passed.  These images after 1991 are not indicated as color.

St. Cloud State University
186 · Collection · 1939-1942

The Weekly Bulletin was published at St. Cloud State University from February 1939 to June 1942. Targeted to students, the Weekly Bulletin was used for general announcements and included a list of meetings, events and activities both on and off campus for them to attend throughout the week. Announcements were primarily related to registration for classes, tuition, results of athletic events, and other general news pertaining to students.

Issues of the Weekly Bulletin published after December 1941 contain some references to World War II and the activities of students to support the war effort.

St. Cloud State University