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Archival description
199 · Collection · 1887-1942

This collection contains the records of the Young Women's Christian Association.  Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and additional meeting minute documents.  Also included is a scrapbook which has photos, songs, and newspaper clippings.

Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
4 · Collection · 1965-1995

These records contain mostly newsletters and journals, dating from 1968 to 1995. Familiar headings throughout the journals include:

•Announcements and Opening Statements

•Book Reviews

•Notes and Queries

•Recent and Upcoming RSA Meetings, Seminars and Events

•Recent Work on Rhetoric


•Bibliography of Books on Rhetoric

•Various Discourses Covering a Wide Variety of Topics in Rhetoric

•Rhetoric Criticism


•Related Research

There is also a small amount of correspondence, election records, and a reader survey, all dating from the mid-1980s.

The records were created during the time of involvement of George E. Yoos, longtime faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at St. Cloud State, serving as a member on the Society’s board of directors in 1975. More importantly, Yoos served as editor of the newsletter and journal from 1972 to 1990. Yoos also served as the Society’s executive secretary from 1986 to 1995. Dr. Yoos is widely considered to be the Rhetoric Society’s cornerstone contributor in the development, success and longevity of the publication. After Yoos left, other St. Cloud State faculty members served as associate and assistant editors.

Rhetoric Society of America
Romauld B. Thibault Papers
S-2082 · Collection · c. 1930-1990

The collection of Romauld B. Thibault contains a number of correspondence materials relating to the myriad issues between the labor unions and railroad management. Decisions regarding worker discipline, seniority, labor and management agreements, board rulings, time books (which were to record time worked, pay earned, and arbitraries due to the employee) are included as well as reports covering railroad accidents, grievance committees, rules and regulation procedures, and correspondence initiating from various union personal are presented here in this collection.

The collection also contains a number of correspondences, reports, and books issued from the railroad unions at the national level. These include: constitution booklets, committee and officer reports, convention proceedings, and informational booklets.

Thibualt was a member of the railroad unions in St. Cloud as well as the vice president at the national level. Included in the collection are primarily the papers from three railroad unions and their dealings with the Great Northern Railroad. These are: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (BRT), the Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen (ORCB), and the United Transportation Union (UTU). The BRT and the ORCB merged together with two other unions to form a single union, the UTU in 1969.

The collection also contains a number of correspondences, ledgers, meeting minutes, and booklets from the Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (the name was changed to the Ladies Auxiliary of the United Transportation Union in 1970), which Thibault's wife was a member.

Thibault, Romauld B.
Ruth A. Thompson Papers
223 · Collection · 1916-1924

In a single scrapbook dating from 1916 to 1924, Thompson documents her life.  As recorded in the scrapbook while at St. Cloud State, Thompson participated in various social activities and documents it with associated memorabilia. The scrapbook contains tickets for football games, banquets, and artistic performances she attended not only at St. Cloud State but at other Minnesota colleges such as St. Olaf and Carlton College, and includes programs to these events. The scrapbook also contains letters addressed to her as a resident of Lawrence Hall still in their envelopes, as well as holiday greeting cards (Christmas and Valentines Day), and short notes. The scrapbooks also includes housing receipts, class completion certifications, as well as letters of job offers from St. Paul Public Schools.

Thompson, Ruth A.
222 · Collection · 1915-1960

Color copies of letters written by Sinclair Lewis to his oldest brother Fred Lewis.

Lewis, Harry Sinclair
15 · Collection · 1939-1947

The 262 letters and 1 poem included in this collection were written by Sinclair Lewis to Marcella Powers between 1939 and 1947. Lewis met Powers in August 1939 when they were both acting in Eugene O’Neill’s play Ah Wilderness! at the Provincetown Theater in Cape Cod. Lewis and Powers began a relationship despite the 36 year age difference between them.

In these letters, Lewis discusses a wide variety of topics - his career, his writing, and his feelings for Powers. During the time of their relationship, Lewis traveled quite a bit throughout the United States giving lectures. He also spent time working in Los Angeles in the motion picture industry and lived in Excelsior and Duluth in Minnesota where he spent much time writing. Lewis also wrote about his social life, including the people that he met, the games of chess that he played, and the books that he read. Many of the letters are very long while others are quite short, with some including cartoons drawn by Lewis.

The letters end in September 1947, shortly after Powers marriage to Michael Amrine. Lewis tells Powers that she will no longer receive an allowance from him, but that if she were ever in need of help that he would be there for her. When Lewis passed away in 1951, Powers was listed in his will.

Lewis, Harry Sinclair
Sinclair Lewis Writings
99 · Collection · 1904-1966

This collection contains photocopies of articles, poetry, and other writings other than books by author Sinclair Lewis. The material was gathered by St. Cloud State University librarian Dwight Burlingame in the early 1970s.

Lewis, Harry Sinclair
Slide Collection
185 · Collection · Early 1950s-early 2000s

This collection covers a wide variety of topics at St. Cloud State University - people, places, events, units, and athletics. The collection was created from a huge and largely unorganized mess of slides held in University Archives. During the arrangement and description process, nearly all slides were retained and placed into plastic sleeves to make the material more accessible. Since there was no organization to the slides, an artificial order was imposed on them.

Dating mostly from roughly 1985 to 1995, all slides, except for a handful, are in color. There are slides that date before and after that ten year period but the vast majority of the slides are from circa 1985 to 1995. Most slides are undated and unidentified - the slides were put into an appropriate series. Some do have dates stamped to the slides' envelope, but most are not. To date the slides, one must look at content and decide on an approximate date.

There are no specific creators but it is suspected that the University Photographer took many of the images. If not the University Photographer, the images were likely taken by other university employees for university business. Thus, the copyright is held by St. Cloud State University.

Individuals, to the best of our knowledge, were identified, with the names of the person or person known, written on the slide's envelope.

Containing nearly 21,000 slides, this collection is separated into six series. Within those series, some are divided into sub-series when appropriate.

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. Nearly all of the images are action shots of various sports. A few folders were of coaches for hockey and football.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series contains slides of mostly campus buildings and space. There are some slides that depict locations outside of campus and are not.

This series is divided into three sub-series;

Sub-series 1: General Campus

This sub-series contains slides showing campus by air, campus artwork, mostly outdoors, and campus scenes. Campus scenes show various exterior spots on campus and often contain multiple campus buildings. These slides often show people within these spaces, which focus mostly on the space.

Sub-series 2: Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces

Divided by specific campus buildings and space, these slides show most often the exterior and, sometimes, the interior of buildings. The slides are sub-divided when appropriate by folder. Some material here show the interior of campus buildings extensively, most notably Centennial Hall as a library (1971-2000). These slides show mostly students interacting with the space.

If there was a specific event associated with a campus building or space, such as groundbreakings, dedications, and cornerstone layings, the slides were placed in this series and not the Social Activities and Events series.

Sub-series 3: Non-campus Buildings and Spaces

There were some slides that showed non-campus spaces, such as downtown St. Cloud, downtown Minneapolis, and the neighborhood surrounding the campus as it grew. There are some slides that were included here that are now part of campus but when taken were not, such as those that list intersections by street names, and include those homes that stood nearby. These homes no longer stand.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

This series contains materials related specifically to campus units, including departments, programs, and student groups by name.

The slides of International Studies are broken down by host country and show St. Cloud State students in various activities including their rooms, classes, field trips, and participating in social events.

Series 4: People

Sub-series 1: Individuals

This sub-series contains images of individuals. Some people had enough images to fill a sheet or two for the slides and were then given their own folders. Those identified and only had a few slides were put together into a single folder and had their names listed.

Sub-series 2: Students

This sub-series contains images of students. These students are shown together in groups, walking on campus, participating in class, studying, relaxing in their resident hall rooms, attending athletic events, participating in recreational sports, and as cheeleaders, danceline, or as the Husky mascot.

This sub-series does not contain all images of students but those that were generally identified as students outside of those images that appeared in those related to Centennial Hall, participating in study-abroad programs, or those depicted in social activities and events.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

Filed in alphabetical order, this series contains slides from specific events such as homecoming, commencement, and registration, to politicians, musical groups, and Hollywood actors. Those folders labeled as "Campus Events" contain slides in which the specific event is unidentified.

Those identified and only had a few slides were put together into a single folder and the name of the event listed.

Series 6: Other

This series contains imagess that did not fit into any of the above categories. In this small series, the majority of the images are from the alumni publication Outlook Magazine. This material is from a series of images taken for the cover of Outlook Magazine; the people who do appear in the images are identified as well as the date they were published.

St. Cloud State University
SCSUArch-Bldgs-Collection · Collection · 1869 - 2023

The materials here are quik-ref files regarding campus buildings and spaces. The collection also includes nearby non-campus buildings, spaces, and geographical features, including the 10th Street bridge, Mississippi River, and Barden Park. In these files are a variety of material related to the building or space including newspaper clippings, press releases, dedication programs, and audio.

It is an artificial collection created sometime before 2007 but material is periodically added.

St. Cloud State University
156 · Collection · 1886-2010

This collection consists of 44 boxes containing materials authored by current and former St. Cloud State University faculty, staff, and alumni. Materials include, but are not limited to, papers (many of which have been presented at meetings or conferences); studies, reports, and surveys; journal, magazine, and newspaper articles; theses; speeches; poems; and reviews. The primary author's name and affiliation to or position at St. Cloud State University is provided, where known, as are the names and affiliations of co-authors and the citation information for the works. Materials in this collection date from as early as 1886 and include several pieces from administrators and faculty members from the early 20th century. Overall, the majority of the work in the collection was created by faculty members and found publication in journals.