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Don Samuelson Papers
S-1836 · Coleção · 1967-1974

The Don Samuelson Papers mainly contain correspondence, government reports and pamphlets, news releases, and the Representative’s documents from his time in office. Samuelson served in the Minnesota House of Representatves from 1969-1982 and in the Minnesota Senate from 1983-2002. The majority of the items date between 1968 and 1972. The collection consist of two series: Constituents Correspondence and Legislative Materials. In series 1, the correspondences between Samuelson and his constituents regarding an array of topics from abortion, gun control, and fluoridation legislation. In Series 2, the legislative materials from topics such as education, health, welfare, etc., concerning the Representative’s actions while elected.

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Glen Sherwood Papers
S-1947 · Coleção · 1972-1980

The Sherwood Papers contain mainly correspondence, legislation materials, government pamphlets and reports, and newspaper clippings. The majority of the items date between 1972 and 1980. This collection is organized into two series, Constituent Correspondence and Legislative Subject Files. The constituent correspondence are the letters between Sherwood and the voting members within his district. The second series, Legislative subject files consists the topics of alcohol, drinking and driving, raising the drinking age, and fish sounder and finder legislation.

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Slide Collection
185 · Coleção · Early 1950s-early 2000s

This collection covers a wide variety of topics at St. Cloud State University - people, places, events, units, and athletics. The collection was created from a huge and largely unorganized mess of slides held in University Archives. During the arrangement and description process, nearly all slides were retained and placed into plastic sleeves to make the material more accessible. Since there was no organization to the slides, an artificial order was imposed on them.

Dating mostly from roughly 1985 to 1995, all slides, except for a handful, are in color. There are slides that date before and after that ten year period but the vast majority of the slides are from circa 1985 to 1995. Most slides are undated and unidentified - the slides were put into an appropriate series. Some do have dates stamped to the slides' envelope, but most are not. To date the slides, one must look at content and decide on an approximate date.

There are no specific creators but it is suspected that the University Photographer took many of the images. If not the University Photographer, the images were likely taken by other university employees for university business. Thus, the copyright is held by St. Cloud State University.

Individuals, to the best of our knowledge, were identified, with the names of the person or person known, written on the slide's envelope.

Containing nearly 21,000 slides, this collection is separated into six series. Within those series, some are divided into sub-series when appropriate.

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. Nearly all of the images are action shots of various sports. A few folders were of coaches for hockey and football.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series contains slides of mostly campus buildings and space. There are some slides that depict locations outside of campus and are not.

This series is divided into three sub-series;

Sub-series 1: General Campus

This sub-series contains slides showing campus by air, campus artwork, mostly outdoors, and campus scenes. Campus scenes show various exterior spots on campus and often contain multiple campus buildings. These slides often show people within these spaces, which focus mostly on the space.

Sub-series 2: Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces

Divided by specific campus buildings and space, these slides show most often the exterior and, sometimes, the interior of buildings. The slides are sub-divided when appropriate by folder. Some material here show the interior of campus buildings extensively, most notably Centennial Hall as a library (1971-2000). These slides show mostly students interacting with the space.

If there was a specific event associated with a campus building or space, such as groundbreakings, dedications, and cornerstone layings, the slides were placed in this series and not the Social Activities and Events series.

Sub-series 3: Non-campus Buildings and Spaces

There were some slides that showed non-campus spaces, such as downtown St. Cloud, downtown Minneapolis, and the neighborhood surrounding the campus as it grew. There are some slides that were included here that are now part of campus but when taken were not, such as those that list intersections by street names, and include those homes that stood nearby. These homes no longer stand.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

This series contains materials related specifically to campus units, including departments, programs, and student groups by name.

The slides of International Studies are broken down by host country and show St. Cloud State students in various activities including their rooms, classes, field trips, and participating in social events.

Series 4: People

Sub-series 1: Individuals

This sub-series contains images of individuals. Some people had enough images to fill a sheet or two for the slides and were then given their own folders. Those identified and only had a few slides were put together into a single folder and had their names listed.

Sub-series 2: Students

This sub-series contains images of students. These students are shown together in groups, walking on campus, participating in class, studying, relaxing in their resident hall rooms, attending athletic events, participating in recreational sports, and as cheeleaders, danceline, or as the Husky mascot.

This sub-series does not contain all images of students but those that were generally identified as students outside of those images that appeared in those related to Centennial Hall, participating in study-abroad programs, or those depicted in social activities and events.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

Filed in alphabetical order, this series contains slides from specific events such as homecoming, commencement, and registration, to politicians, musical groups, and Hollywood actors. Those folders labeled as "Campus Events" contain slides in which the specific event is unidentified.

Those identified and only had a few slides were put together into a single folder and the name of the event listed.

Series 6: Other

This series contains imagess that did not fit into any of the above categories. In this small series, the majority of the images are from the alumni publication Outlook Magazine. This material is from a series of images taken for the cover of Outlook Magazine; the people who do appear in the images are identified as well as the date they were published.

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Stewart Hall Time Capsule
192 · Coleção · 1947-1992

This collection contains the content of a time capsule placed near the cornerstone of Stewart Hall. The cornerstone ceremony was held in mid-May 1948. The time capsule was placed in a 9 inch by 9 inch lead lined copper box.

Nearly all of the material has been published, including a 1944 college history, two copies of the Chronicle student newspaper, and course catalogs for 1947/48 and summer of 1948. Also included here is a May 1948 letter from Warren Stewart, namesake of the building, and two lists containing the signatures of 47 St. Cloud State faculy members and 994 students from the spring quarter of 1948.

Also included here is a folder containing information about the May 1948 cornerstone ceremony, a 1989 clipping about the missing time capsule, and an October 1992 press release regarding the circumstances of its discovery and return to St. Cloud State.

The copper box is still intact but severely damaged.

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John and Henry Sullivan Papers
S-50 · Coleção · 1911-1973

The Sullivan papers consist of the papers of two Minnesota state representatives newspaper clippings about the activities of these men and their time in office, and political advertisements. The majority of the items date between 1911 and 1954. The collection consists of four folders: a biography, newspaper clippings, political advertisements, and obituary and memoriam.

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Records of the University Photographer
44 · Coleção · 1962-2004

This collection contains photographic negatives taken by the University Photographer, or at least someone in Information Services (later known as University Communications) early on. Nearly all of the negatives remain unpublished. The images cover a wide possible variety of topics - athletics, buildings and grounds, events, and people from 1962 to 2004. Because the images were taken by St. Cloud State employees, St. Cloud State clearly owns the copyright.

Negatives are scant here after 2001, presumbly due to the advent of digital photography.

The negatives of the images are filed by job number with a short title; keywords may appear in the description field, especially for buildings and people if known. If any image was published and recognized, the name of the publication and date were recorded in the description field as well. Many more were likely published but not identified as such.

Nearly all negatives are on 35mm film, though other sizes, such as 2.5 x 2.5 inches and 4 x 5 inches, are present.

Most jobs have contact sheets after 1970 - those before likely do not.

Before 1991, nearly all of the images are black and white. Those images that are in color before 1991 are indicated.  From 1991 and after, most of the negatives are in color, and are almost exclusively in color as time passed.  These images after 1991 are not indicated as color.

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Francis and Ludmila Voelker Papers
19 · Coleção · 1969-1978

Edited by Francis and Ludmilla (Mil) Voelker, the papers are centered around the collection, creation, editing, and publishing of three editions of Mass Media: Forces in Our Society. The first edition was a publishing trend-setter, making articles by professionals in all areas of media readily available in one attractively designed source. The second edition received a Certificate of Excellence from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and was selected in the 1975 AIGA Learning Materials Show as one of 50 best designed books published that year.  The third and final edition appeared in 1978.

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Claudia Meier Volk Papers
S-90 · Coleção · 1974-1976

This collection contains varies correspondences and materials relating to Claudia Meier Volk and her time spent in office. There are a number of correspondences related to" agriculture, drinking age, equal rights amendment, family planning, gun control, and a number of other correspondences. Other material includes legislative material, bills, personal papers, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.

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Records of Waverly Literary Society
204 · Coleção · 1926-1931

This collection contains the records of the Waverly Literary Society.  Included here are three books of the society's finances.

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David L. Kiehle Papers

The contents of this collection cover the entire span of David L. Kiehle’s life, from 1837 to 1918, with materials pertinent to both his personal life and various educational ventures. It includes Kiehle’s 193 autobiography, various newspaper clippings regarding his multiple roles as an educator in Minnesota, and correspondence written between Kiehle and several of his colleagues and professional acquaintances. In addition, the collection includes several of Kiehle’s personal possessions, including multiple academic honors and awards granted to Kiehle, along with photographs of Kiehle and multiple members of his immediate family.

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