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Archival description
14 · Collection · 1874-2006

There are thirteen boxes in this collection which contain records from (and also about) the St. Cloud State Alumni Association. The records date from 1874 to 2006.

The records in this collection are arranged chronologically into seven series. The seven series are:

Series 1: Correspondence, 1914-1974

This series contains correspondence between members of the Alumni Association and also to graduates whilst attempting to create a directory of former students. There is much more correspondence (such as personal letters, greeting cards, and obituaries) that can be found in the Alumni Affairs records.

Series 2: Events, 1881-2006

This series is divided into the many events that the Alumni Association has sponsored throughout the years, such as banquets, reunions, homecoming celebrations, etc. The series contains invitations, reel-to-reel tapes, audio cassettes, and questionnaire forms. The Riverview Reunion folder contains items such as questionnaires/forms, invitations, and correspondence with the former students of the Riverview laboratory school on the campus of St. Cloud State University. The school was used by college students at St. Cloud State to learn how to teach children.

Series 3: Finances, 1932-1995

Included in this series are treasurer reports, ledgers, proposed budgets, statements of assets, expense reports, and share savings account books. The series also contains the paperwork related to the estates of two former St. Cloud State community members, Bessie Campbell and Isabel Lawrence.

Bessie Campbell was a student who bequeathed her home to the Alumni Association. Under the terms of the will, one-fourth of the proceeds were to be set aside for a memorial to honor her sister, Gertrude Campbell. The rest of the money was to be used for freshmen loans. The folder includes such items as property sale bids, correspondence, and resolutions.

There is also a folder for a former faculty member of the school, Miss Isabel Lawrence. Miss Lawrence was a teacher at St. Cloud State Teachers College for forty-two years. She had an unfortunate accident which fractured her hip and landed her in the hospital. The Alumni Association began a fund to reach $2300.00 in cash in order for Miss Lawrence to receive the teacher’s pension for 1931 and also a yearly income of $1054.34. Included in the papers are correspondence related to the estate, a copy of Miss Lawrence’s will, and receipts.

Series 4: History, 1874-1997

The History series contains information not only on the history of the Alumni Association, but also of the Student Alumni Advisory Board, newspaper clippings, a questionnaire regarding the College Chronicle, membership information, brochures, blank award certificates, etc. There is also an informative report included here titled, History of the St. Cloud State University Alumni Association April 28, 1881-April 28, 1981. This was a student project completed by John Urke.

Also included in the history section is an actual Distinguished Alumni Award that was presented to Helen Hill in 1967 by the Alumni Association at St. Cloud State College.

Series 5: Minutes, 1881-1996

This series contains the agendas and minutes from the meetings of various committees involved with the Alumni Association. These include the Alumni Association Committee, the Board of Directors Committee, the Finance Committee and the Budget Subcommittee, the Friedrich Fund Committee, the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Student Alumni Advisory Board Committee, and the Young Alumni Committee.

Series 6: Publications, 1908-1998

Included in this series are periodicals that the Alumni Association published throughout the years, as well as items relating to alumni associations in general.

Series 7: Miscellaneous

This series contains a scrapbook of past 50th year anniversary reunions of St. Cloud State classes.  The scrapbook includes images of alums at the reunion events as well as a small amount of images of alums while they were students at St. Cloud State.

Alumni Association
Records of the SCSU Survey
237 · Collection · 1980-2002

The material here is mostly the surveys done by the center since 1980. Arranged by year, the surveys are statewide surveys done to gauge the opinions of Minnesotans regarding politics, services, and direction that the state is moving. There are also surveys conducted to discover the opinion of students regarding campus services and activities. In addition, the collection contains a small number of surveys done for others outside of St. Cloud State.

The surveys are in various stages of completeness. Depending on the survey, there may be any combination of the questionnaire, raw data, press releases, evaluation and interpretation of the results, and other associated information.

All the surveys have been digitized and placed in the SCSU Survey community in the Repository @ St. Cloud State: Here they can be viewed and downloaded.

SCSU Survey
Records of the Photo Club
221 · Collection · 1973-1996

These records contain photographic materials created by the student SCSU Photo Club. These records include materials such as photos, negatives, slides, and a certificate that pertain to the Photo Club and its members, as well as other general student events and campus life.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Photo Album

Included are photographs that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, North Shore Trip, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 2: Negative Album

Contains the negatives that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, Sherburne Spring Fling, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 3: Images and Other Materials

This series includes photos, negatives, slides and certificate created by or given to the Photo Club students. These materials document the Photo Club members' trips and events, such as Group Pictures, Halloween Party, and canoeing. The slides document other general student activities and campus life, as well as St. Cloud State buildings.

Photo Club
33 · Collection · 1859-2006

This collections contains mostly minutes of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (MnSCU) board, including its predecessors, from 1859 to 2006.  In addition, other material, such as financial reports, reports to the governor, fact books, and by-laws and rules and regulations.

Series 1: Board Meeting Minutes

These minutes contain information about students, expenses, campus buildings and spaces, and personnel.

Series 2: Other Administrative Records

This series contain by-laws and rules and regulations, factbooks, financial reports, reports to the governor, and correspondence of Warren Stewart. Though mostly dated in the 1960s and 1970s, some material does date to the 1860s and 1880s.

These records are simply copies held at MnSCU and retained at the University Archives for reference purposes.  Other records in University Archives, especially records of the President and Academic Affairs, contain records that document the interaction between St. Cloud State and MnSCU.

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Collection · 1975 - 2005

These records document more than 20 years of history pertaining to the Minnesota Chair in Real Estate Program and George Karvel’s tenure at St. Cloud State University. They contain annual program and housing reports, newspaper clippings, awards issued to Karvel, letters from Karvel and associates like Steven Mooney to prospective donors to the program, papers written by them pertaining to economic and financial matters, and information about scholarships awarded to students in the program.

Most significant are the annual activities report, which date from 19XX to 19XX and the Minnesota Housing reports that date from XXXX to XXXX.

Minnesota Chair in Real Estate
158 · Collection · 1967-1968

The Free Statesman was an alternative independent newspaper published by students of St. Cloud State College, St. John's University, and College of St. Benedict from February 1967 through February 1968 and consisted of 24 editions. The newspaper was created by Leftist students who felt the official student newspapers at their respective schools did not represent their views. Topics include the termination of St. Cloud State professor Ed Richer, the Vietnam War and its protests, campus, local, and national political issues of the day, and area arts, theatre, and culture.

The Free Statesman
38 · Collection · 1956-2012

This collection contains records from the Department of Theatre, Film Studies, and Dance at St. Cloud State University.  There are 32 boxes and five oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1956-2007 with the vast majority of the items pertaining to the theatre division. Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into three series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Administrative Records, 1961-2007

This series includes minutes from staff meetings, building plans, correspondence, and the theatre department’s newsletter, amongst other items.

Series 2: Play Files, 1956-2011

Here is where the bulk of the collection can be found.  The play files, which are alphabetical order by play title, include photographs, posters, and programs for productions that were performed at St. Cloud State University.  There are also records in this series that pertain to SCSU theatre students and producers who took their performances overseas.  The first performances abroad were at military outposts located in Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and Baffin Island in 1961.  They would go on to perform in Germany for the military in 1964.  And in 1987, actors traveled to China to perform in Universities throughout the country.  The larger production posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order. In addition, there is a folder of material from the County Stearns Theaterical Company.

Series 3: Publications, 1978-2001

This series includes newsletters and student handbooks.

Series 4: Costume Sketches, 1970s-early 1990s

Theatre faculty member Harvey Jurik created 502 costume sketches for theatre productions sponsored by St. Cloud State University, 500 which are digitized. The sketches illustrate the character costume designs as well as several scenes for various plays performed from the 1970s through the early 1990s.

Theatre, Film Studies, and Dance
239 · Collection · 1952-2011

This collection contains records from the Department of Teacher Development at St. CLoud State University. The Department of Teacher Development is a combination of the former derpartments of Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Student Teaching. The items covered include meeting minutes for Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Student Teaching, Administrative files, reports, and publications from the department.

The collection is arranged into three series.

Series 1: Meeting Minutes, 1971-1985

This series contains departmental meeting minutes from Teacher Development, Student Teaching, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education. it is the bulk of material held in the collection.

Series 2: Reports, 1954-1991

Series 2 contains evaluation reports from Student Teaching, Teacher Development, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education.

Series 3: Administrative Files, 1952 - 2011

This series contains the rest of the files for the collection, including publications, student teaching handbooks, scholarships, IGNITE Teacher Preparation Initiative, Task Group II, British Education Workshop, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Distinguished Achievment Award, CMTEC files, and student teacher support documents.

Teacher Development
42 · Collection

This collection contains records from the Department of Music at St. Cloud State University, totaling 12 boxes. The records date from 1923-2009, with the vast majority of the items pertaining to faculty meeting minutes as well as student and faculty musical performances. Miscellaneous department records comprise a significant portion of this collection and range in content from department handbooks and newsletters to various scrapbooks.

The collection is arranged into three series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Faculty Meetings and Memorandum, 1960-1998

This series consists of department meeting minutes along with the notes and documents pertaining to each meeting. The subject matter of the materials is primarily related to: curriculum and program developments/requirements for undergraduate and graduate students, enrollment and budgetary figures/estimates, the organization of workshops and camps, sabbatical leaves and faculty changes, and special committee and council proposals, activities, evaluations, and requests. Materials are organized chronologically by date of meeting.

Series 2: Recitals and Performances, 1924-2009

This series contains promotional materials and programs for performances held at SCSU or by SCSU faculty and students. The series is arranged chronologically according to type of performance. All guest and visitor performances hosted by the music department are organized by date and arranged separately from all SCSU faculty, music group, and student performances. The programs most frequently pertain to: student and faculty recitals, Christmas concerts, fine arts and jazz festivals, ensemble performances and competitions, concert series and tours, division conferences, guest concerts and recitals, and joint SCSU/guest performances. Beginning in 1995, email notifications were used to promote performances and are therefore included in this series.

Series 3: Miscellaneous, 1936-2009

This series is organized first by subject matter and subsequently by date. The majority of the records pertain to departmental planning, program and curriculum development, and the promotion of educational opportunities such as scholarships, graduate assistantships, workshops, and camps. The series includes various forms of publications, including: student handbooks, brochures, calendars, scrapbooks, songbooks, newsletters, and syllabi. There are a total of three scrapbooks as well as additional materials highlighting the activities of particular music groups. Records date from 1936-2009 but major extent are from 1970s and 1980s.

214 · Collection · 1957-2014

This collection contains records from the Department of History at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1957 to 2014, the majority of which are from the late 1960s to late 1980s. The collection contains various administrative records and department minutes and memorandum.

These records are arranged in two series:

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains a variety of administrative records. Information relating to courses, curriculum, budgets, enrollments, graduate programs, semester conversion, and program review are found here. This series also contains records for Phi Apha Theta, History club, the now former Central Minnesota Historical Center, department newsletters, the NDEA Institute for Advanced Study, and the Northern Great Plains History Conference. Additionally, there are records pertaining to the general St. Cloud State oral history project and the writing of A Centennial History of St. Cloud State College.

Series 2: Minutes and Memorandum

This series contains records of history faculty department meeting minutes and department memorandum from 1957 to 1999.
