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Archival description
39 · Collection · 1960-2010

This collection contains records from Theatre L'Homme Dieu along with the Performing Arts Foundation at St. Cloud State University.  There are 21 boxes and two oversized folders in the collection; the items date from 1960-2010.  Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into six series, which are as follows:

Series 1:  Administrative Records, 1960-2010

This series includes records pertaining directly to the Performing Arts Foundation; these include minutes, building plans, correspondence and memorandum, financial statements and grant applications, and historical information.  Blueprints are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 15, and are in chronological order.

Series 2: Biographical Files, Various Dates

This series contains photographs (mainly head shots) and resumes of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's actors, actresses, and directors.  Photos may be duplicated in the Play Files.

Series 3: Correspondence, 1960-1995, 2002-2003

This series includes correspondence regarding the theatre, both to and from the public.  Common themes in the correspondence collection include reviews and requests of productions from the public along with the theatre advertising and looking for sponsers.

Series 4: Photographs, 1961-1995

This series includes photographs of Theatre L'Homme Dieu's buildings along with photographs of unidentified performances and performers.

Series 5: Play Files, 1961-2007

This series includes play programs, news clippings, box office reports, and attendance records.  The collection also includes photographs, slides, and negatives, with the majority being photographs.  These shots include not only the productions but often headshots as well.  The headshots may also be duplicated in the Biographical Files.

Series 6: Publications and Press Coverage, 1960-2008

This series includes press clippings regarding the theatre.  Posters are located in the oversize cabinets, drawer 17, and are in chronological order.

Theatre L'Homme Dieu
189 · Collection

Women's Recreation Association records contain documents, promotional items, and administrative files related to the operation of organization, as well as records associated with the planning, execution, and review of the events that the organization created and ran for female students. The majority of the records range from the early 1950s through the mid-1970s. Depending on the event or subject, files may contain student organization notes, promotional fliers, and rosters for the students that participated in the highlighted events.

The records are arranged in two series.

Series 1: Administrative Files

The records in this series highlight specific events or sports that the organization sponsored, as well as copies of the yearly constitutions and photographs from a variety of the events and sports offered by the organization.

Series 2: Scrapbooks

This series contains scrapbooks from the WRA that cover an academic year and showcase the diffrerent events and sports the organization organized and hosted, as well as a scrapbook for the Orchesis Modern Dance group that the WRA organized.

Women's Recreation Association
2023-10-04/1 · Collection · 1989 - 2022

The records of the Women’s Center document the establishment and subsequent activities from 1989 to 2022. Established in late 1989, the Women’s Center provided help, education, and support to women on campus and in the local communities on a variety of issues ranging from feminism, anti-oppression, racial justice and gender equity. The bulk of the records here date before 2000.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Administrative

Records here document the administration of the center, which included providing programming and education about women. These include annual reports, surveys, and strategic plans that document the progress of the center and the future direction. Other notable material include efforts regarding cultural diversity, grant funded support, and scholarships.

Series 2: Sexual Violence Prevention Program

The records document the establishment of the program and its evolution. Included in this series are the grant records that established the program and subsequent grants to continue supporting it.

Series 3: Programming

A major function of the Women’s Center was programming. The center sponsored or co-sponsored a number of events to raise awareness and educate attendees. The centerpiece of the programming was “Women on Wednesday” that covered a wide variety of topics since its inception in 1990.

Women's Center
186 · Collection · 1939-1942

The Weekly Bulletin was published at St. Cloud State University from February 1939 to June 1942. Targeted to students, the Weekly Bulletin was used for general announcements and included a list of meetings, events and activities both on and off campus for them to attend throughout the week. Announcements were primarily related to registration for classes, tuition, results of athletic events, and other general news pertaining to students.

Issues of the Weekly Bulletin published after December 1941 contain some references to World War II and the activities of students to support the war effort.

St. Cloud State University
44 · Collection · 1962-2004

This collection contains photographic negatives taken by the University Photographer, or at least someone in Information Services (later known as University Communications) early on. Nearly all of the negatives remain unpublished. The images cover a wide possible variety of topics - athletics, buildings and grounds, events, and people from 1962 to 2004. Because the images were taken by St. Cloud State employees, St. Cloud State clearly owns the copyright.

Negatives are scant here after 2001, presumbly due to the advent of digital photography.

The negatives of the images are filed by job number with a short title; keywords may appear in the description field, especially for buildings and people if known. If any image was published and recognized, the name of the publication and date were recorded in the description field as well. Many more were likely published but not identified as such.

Nearly all negatives are on 35mm film, though other sizes, such as 2.5 x 2.5 inches and 4 x 5 inches, are present.

Most jobs have contact sheets after 1970 - those before likely do not.

Before 1991, nearly all of the images are black and white. Those images that are in color before 1991 are indicated.  From 1991 and after, most of the negatives are in color, and are almost exclusively in color as time passed.  These images after 1991 are not indicated as color.

St. Cloud State University
Records of the Synchronettes
229 · Collection · 1957-1986

These records document 28 years of the club activities, mainly the preperation, production, and evaluation of their yearly swim show. The records contain the yearly evaluation of the show, the committee members and thier notes, as well as the script and choreography for that year's show. Also included are original tickets and programs along with newspaper clippings, prints, negatives, and slides.

The collection also contains minutes from official club meetings from 1957-1960 and 1964-1971. In addtion, there is a seperate booklet containing the club's budget between 1962 and 1974. Lastly, this collection includes scrapbooks created by club members that detail the swim shows and other club activities such as Homecoming and the annual post show banquet.

14 · Collection · 1874-2006

There are thirteen boxes in this collection which contain records from (and also about) the St. Cloud State Alumni Association. The records date from 1874 to 2006.

The records in this collection are arranged chronologically into seven series. The seven series are:

Series 1: Correspondence, 1914-1974

This series contains correspondence between members of the Alumni Association and also to graduates whilst attempting to create a directory of former students. There is much more correspondence (such as personal letters, greeting cards, and obituaries) that can be found in the Alumni Affairs records.

Series 2: Events, 1881-2006

This series is divided into the many events that the Alumni Association has sponsored throughout the years, such as banquets, reunions, homecoming celebrations, etc. The series contains invitations, reel-to-reel tapes, audio cassettes, and questionnaire forms. The Riverview Reunion folder contains items such as questionnaires/forms, invitations, and correspondence with the former students of the Riverview laboratory school on the campus of St. Cloud State University. The school was used by college students at St. Cloud State to learn how to teach children.

Series 3: Finances, 1932-1995

Included in this series are treasurer reports, ledgers, proposed budgets, statements of assets, expense reports, and share savings account books. The series also contains the paperwork related to the estates of two former St. Cloud State community members, Bessie Campbell and Isabel Lawrence.

Bessie Campbell was a student who bequeathed her home to the Alumni Association. Under the terms of the will, one-fourth of the proceeds were to be set aside for a memorial to honor her sister, Gertrude Campbell. The rest of the money was to be used for freshmen loans. The folder includes such items as property sale bids, correspondence, and resolutions.

There is also a folder for a former faculty member of the school, Miss Isabel Lawrence. Miss Lawrence was a teacher at St. Cloud State Teachers College for forty-two years. She had an unfortunate accident which fractured her hip and landed her in the hospital. The Alumni Association began a fund to reach $2300.00 in cash in order for Miss Lawrence to receive the teacher’s pension for 1931 and also a yearly income of $1054.34. Included in the papers are correspondence related to the estate, a copy of Miss Lawrence’s will, and receipts.

Series 4: History, 1874-1997

The History series contains information not only on the history of the Alumni Association, but also of the Student Alumni Advisory Board, newspaper clippings, a questionnaire regarding the College Chronicle, membership information, brochures, blank award certificates, etc. There is also an informative report included here titled, History of the St. Cloud State University Alumni Association April 28, 1881-April 28, 1981. This was a student project completed by John Urke.

Also included in the history section is an actual Distinguished Alumni Award that was presented to Helen Hill in 1967 by the Alumni Association at St. Cloud State College.

Series 5: Minutes, 1881-1996

This series contains the agendas and minutes from the meetings of various committees involved with the Alumni Association. These include the Alumni Association Committee, the Board of Directors Committee, the Finance Committee and the Budget Subcommittee, the Friedrich Fund Committee, the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Student Alumni Advisory Board Committee, and the Young Alumni Committee.

Series 6: Publications, 1908-1998

Included in this series are periodicals that the Alumni Association published throughout the years, as well as items relating to alumni associations in general.

Series 7: Miscellaneous

This series contains a scrapbook of past 50th year anniversary reunions of St. Cloud State classes.  The scrapbook includes images of alums at the reunion events as well as a small amount of images of alums while they were students at St. Cloud State.

Alumni Association
Records of the SCSU Survey
237 · Collection · 1980-2002

The material here is mostly the surveys done by the center since 1980. Arranged by year, the surveys are statewide surveys done to gauge the opinions of Minnesotans regarding politics, services, and direction that the state is moving. There are also surveys conducted to discover the opinion of students regarding campus services and activities. In addition, the collection contains a small number of surveys done for others outside of St. Cloud State.

The surveys are in various stages of completeness. Depending on the survey, there may be any combination of the questionnaire, raw data, press releases, evaluation and interpretation of the results, and other associated information.

All the surveys have been digitized and placed in the SCSU Survey community in the Repository @ St. Cloud State: Here they can be viewed and downloaded.

SCSU Survey
Records of the Photo Club
221 · Collection · 1973-1996

These records contain photographic materials created by the student SCSU Photo Club. These records include materials such as photos, negatives, slides, and a certificate that pertain to the Photo Club and its members, as well as other general student events and campus life.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Photo Album

Included are photographs that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, North Shore Trip, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 2: Negative Album

Contains the negatives that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, Sherburne Spring Fling, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 3: Images and Other Materials

This series includes photos, negatives, slides and certificate created by or given to the Photo Club students. These materials document the Photo Club members' trips and events, such as Group Pictures, Halloween Party, and canoeing. The slides document other general student activities and campus life, as well as St. Cloud State buildings.

Photo Club
22 · Collection · 1916-1918

10 monthly issues of the Normal School Recorder were published by students between 1916 and 1918.

The Normal School Recorder was a mix of a traditional newspaper and journal. Most of each issue was devoted to journal articles that were written by St. Cloud State students. Articles focused a great deal on campus; students wrote about family members, travel, athletics, student literary clubs, arrival and departure of faculty, and experience with others or events on campus. The publication often reported on the whereabouts and happenings of recent graduates. Especially fascinating were the stories about World War I, many documenting what was happening on campus, as well as the experiences of students and alums who were serving as soldiers.

All issues are available online. To see online, click on each issue in the finding aid and go to link in the Scope and Content Note. The issues can be found at

St. Cloud State University