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Archival description
Records of Aero Club
207 · Collection · 1948-1984

This collection contains the records of Aero Club. Included in the collection are three club scrapbooks, photographs of club activities, monthly newsletters published by Aero Club, one meeting minutes book, Aero Club's Constitution and By-Laws, newspaper clippings, and membership lists.

Aero Club
Records of Alumni Relations
13 · Collection · 1962-1991

This collection contains records from the Alumni Affairs organization (sometimes known as Alumni Services or Alumni Relations) on the St. Cloud State University campus. The items date from 1962 to 1991, with the greater number of items dating from the 1970s and 1980s. Additions to this series may be ongoing.

The majority of materials in this collection are pieces of correspondence between the Alumni Affairs office with former students. These items make up the bulk of the collection and the biographical files are arranged in alphabetical order. These files include a myriad of items, including photographs, correspondence, newspaper articles, donation histories, funeral programs, and obituaries. Some of the biographical files are very large whilst others are quite sparse.

There are a few former prominent students that the Alumni Affairs office kept extensive information on in their offices. These students include Cyril Plattes, Ralph Heimdahl, US Congressman Nick Begich, and Dr. Richard Green.

Cyril Plattes was the Benefactor of the Friedrich Scholarship Fund. This scholarship was set up in the name of a science professor at St. Cloud State that would grant money to students studying environmental issues. For many years Plattes wished that his name be kept anonymous and not linked to the memorial fund. In 1973 the first scholarship in conservation from the George Friedrich Memorial fund was presented to five students.

Ralph Heimdahl graduated from the St. Cloud State Teacher’s College in 1930. He was an art teacher at the State School for the Deaf in Faribault, MN. Later he joined the animation department at Walt Disney Studios, and in 1948 he originated the Bugs Bunny comic strip for Warner Brothers. Heimdahl won the SCSU Distinguished Alumni Award in 1966. An endowed scholarship was established by his widow after his death in 1981 to provide financial assistance to students studying art.

Nick Begich graduated from St. Cloud with the class of 1952 and went on to become a US Congressman in Alaska. On October 16, 1972, he lost his life on a plane flight in Alaska along with U.S. Majority Leader Hale Boggs. The Nick Begich Memorial Commission was established by the St. Cloud State College Alumni Association in 1973 in tribute to the life and work of the former student. The purpose of the Commission was to establish a scholarship fund at St. Cloud State College which would enable political science majors to serve internships in Washington with members of Congress and for other political science scholarships. (2)

Another prominent alumnus included in the files is Dr. Richard Green. He graduated from St. Cloud State College with an MS in Special Education in 1968 and received his doctorate in Educational Administration from Harvard. He worked as Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, beginning either in 1980 or 1981. Dr. Green was the recipient of the 1981 Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1988 he was hired to be the Chancellor of the New York City Schools.

The collection also includes miscellaneous materials on events, a slideshow narration, The St. Cloud State College Magazine, and the position descriptions for the head of Alumni Affairs.

The slideshow narration, Instructional Guide for Filmstrip on St. Cloud State College, was prepared for the Alumni Affairs Office by Doreen M. Keable. The script (sans actual slides or audio cassette) is dated March 13, 1970. According to the script, there is a series of forty color slides that are accompanied by a taped narration. The length of the presentation was approximately ten minutes. Some of the objectives of the slideshow include welcoming alumni and friends of the school to homecoming and other alumni functions.

Alumni Relations
206 · Collection · 1925-1968

This collection contains the records of the Associated Women Students (A.W.S.). Included is one meeting minutes book, the club's constitution, yearly handbooks, scrapbooks, photos and clippings, and their history.

Associated Women Students
20 · Collection · 1925-2020+

Athletic Media Relations records contains promotional material created for each St. Cloud State intercollegiate sport, 1920s-2010+.  The records are primarily from the 1960s and on.  Depending on the sport, materials contained are press releases, media guides, programs, schedules, and score sheets.  Some sports, such as hockey, are rich with information; others, such as cross country and skiing, are not as well documented.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Administrative Records

Records here did not deal with specific sports.  Included are press releases that did not deal with a specific sports or several sports within each release, bound programs for athletic contests, and other miscellaneous material.

Series 2: Biographical Files

This series contains biographical information on athletes and coaches while at St. Cloud State and date primarily from the 1970s and on.  Records here include forms filled out by athletes and coaches containing biographical information, press releases, clippings, and photographs.  Some files simply contain photographs, while others may contained a great deal of information on the person.

Series 3: Sports

This series includes intercollegiate sports. Depending on the sport, materials contained are press releases, media guides, programs, schedules, and score sheets.  Some sports, such as hockey, are rich with information; others, such as cross country and skiing, are not as well documented.

Athletic Media Relations
220 · Collection · 1956-2005

Dating from 1956 to 2005, Atwood Memorial Center records consists of seven boxes that contain documents produced before the establishment and then the operation of the Atwood Memorial Center. The materials document the planning and fundraising for Atwood, the financial records, Atwood councils and advisory boards and various departments within Atwood.

Series 1: Fundraising, Construction and Phase II, 1956-1973

This series covers the initial planning and construction of Atwood, including the 1972 Phase II. Included here are construction specifics, contracts, Phase II financial statements, and initial fundraising to construct Atwood. This series also contains a 1956 paper that studied the need for a St. Cloud State student union.

Series 2: Financial Records, 1966-1988

This series includes annual reports and financial statements originating from the operation of the Atwood Memorial Center. Included within the financial records are items related to budget requests, allotments, disbursements, and expenditures.

Series 3: Councils and Boards, 1961-1998

This series contains meeting minutes, agendas, and correspondence from the councils and boards in Atwood. Included in this series is the Atwood Board of Governors (ABOG), the Executive Board, and the Atwood Council.

Series 4: Departments and Services, 1974-1997

This series documents the departments and services offered to students in Atwood. Included here are customer satisfaction surveys, records from the Recreation center and the Atwood stores.

Series 5: Administration, 1969-2005

This series documents the workings of Atwood at the administration level. This includes office correspondence, policies, position descriptions, and documents dealing with the master calendar. Also within this series is various publications produced by Atwood and Title IX records.

Atwood Memorial Center
205 · Collection · 1915-1931

This collection contains the records of the Avon Literary Society.  Included is one meeting minutes book and one of the society's programs.

Avon Literary Society
Records of Camera Kraft Club
210 · Collection · 1923-1952

This collection contains the records of the Camera Kraft Club. Included is one book of meeting minutes, one photo album, and one club yearbook.

Camera Kraft Club
Records of Chi Sigma Chi
211 · Collection · 1950-1981

This collection contains the records of the Chi Sigma Chi. Included is two books of financial records, one meeting minutes book, photographs, and membership cards.

Chi Sigma Chi
41 · Collection · 1975-2017

Collective bargaining contracts, as well as managerial and commissioner's plans for state employees at St. Cloud State University and other state agencies. Organizations include American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Inter-Faculty Organization (IFO), Middle Management Association (MMA), Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE), Minnesota Nurses Association, and Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF).

213 · Collection · 1977-2010

The records of Equality and Affirmative Action document the efforts by St. Cloud State to make the higher process of employees fair, policies and procedures to report sexual harrassment or other types of harrassment, and to track progress towards regarding the diversity of students and employees.

Series 1: Administration

This series contains records about Affirmative Action, including efforts to combat campus racism, investigation into campus anti-semitism, and efforts to educate campus about affirmative action. It also includes publications from Affirmative Action as well as a selection of past notices of vacancy.

Series 2: Affirmative Action Committee

Dating back to 1977 when the first Affirmative Action officer was appointed, this series documents the Affirmative Action Committee.  The committee was comprised of employees across campus, including staff, administrators, and faculty. Most interesting are the annual reports of the committee that document their activities and meeting minutes.

Series 3: Goals, Plans, and Reports

The heart of the collection, this series contains affirmative action plans for much of the 1990s and early 2000s, as well as annual reports that document the progress towards those plans. Also included in this sesries are procedures for hiring administrators and faculty as well as for reporting complaints of discrimination and harassment/

Series 4: Statistics

This series contains a wide variety of statistics that were tracked by Affirmative Action. Some of these statistics do show up in the annual reports and plans in series 3, while many do not. Tracked here include the ethnicities of employees and students, failed and successful searches, complaints, and the number of bias motivated incidents and hate crimes.

Equity and Affirmative Action