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Archivistische beschrijving
214 · Collectie · 1957-2014

This collection contains records from the Department of History at St. Cloud State University. Items in this collection date from 1957 to 2014, the majority of which are from the late 1960s to late 1980s. The collection contains various administrative records and department minutes and memorandum.

These records are arranged in two series:

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains a variety of administrative records. Information relating to courses, curriculum, budgets, enrollments, graduate programs, semester conversion, and program review are found here. This series also contains records for Phi Apha Theta, History club, the now former Central Minnesota Historical Center, department newsletters, the NDEA Institute for Advanced Study, and the Northern Great Plains History Conference. Additionally, there are records pertaining to the general St. Cloud State oral history project and the writing of A Centennial History of St. Cloud State College.

Series 2: Minutes and Memorandum

This series contains records of history faculty department meeting minutes and department memorandum from 1957 to 1999.

Zonder titel
Jon Hassler Papers
101 · Collectie · 1976-1987

The papers of Jon Hassler contain various drafts of four published books and one unpublished manuscript, as well as drafts for a play based on a published book.  These are Staggerford (1977), Simon's Night (1979) (including a play based on this book), The Love Hunter (1981), The Book of Brendan (unpublished, early 1980s), and A Green Journey (1985).  There is also a small amount of material, including audio and video, concerning events at St. Cloud State University related to Hassler's gift of material to the University Archives.

The papers show the evolution of the writing of the books, demonstrating how Hassler created, crafted, and revised the stories over time.

Material not in series:

This material includes St. Cloud State events related to the donation by Jon Hassler (including video and audio), as well as clippings, biographical information, and images. Also included here are uncut galley proofs for Staggerford, Simon's Night, and The Love Hunter.

Series 1: Staggerford (1977)

This series contains three drafts, a copy-edited draft and a small amount of material related to Staggerford.

Series 2: Simon's Night (1979)

This series contains mostly three drafts and a copy-edited draft of Simon's Night.

Series 3: Simon's Night: A Play

Two drafts are included in this series of a play based on Simon's Night.

Series 4: The Love Hunter (1981)

Included in this series are five drafts, as well as a copy-edited typescript.

Series 5: The Book of Brendan

Never published, the Book of Brendan served as source material for Grand Opening (1987) and North of Hope (1990).  The books follow the childhood of boy Brendan Foster and his family.

This series includes at least two drafts of this unpublished manuscript, including material separated by chapter.

Series 6: A Green Journey (1985)

Included in this are five drafts of this book, as well as the galley proofs.

Zonder titel
45 · Collectie · 1972-1997

This collection contains records from the Evelyn Payne Hatcher Museum of Anthropology, totaling 6 boxes. The documents begin with the opening of the museum in 1973, when it was known as the St. Cloud Museum of Man.

The records date from 1972-1997.  The majority of the records pertain to museum artifacts that have been accessioned and deaccessioned.

The collection is arranged into two series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Administrative Records, 1972-1997

This series consists of documents such as correspondence and memorandum, minutes and agendas, articles of incorporation and by-laws, etc.  The subject matter of the materials focuses on the day to day operations of the museum.   There are also pamphlets and photographs for exhibits that the museum hosted, many of which were devoted to Native American culture.

Series 2: Accession and Deaccession Catalogs, 1970s-1990s

This series consists of the accession and deaccession sheets that were kept by the museum for inventory of artifacts.  The records include the date the museum acquired the items, the condition of said items, and oftentimes photographs to identify them.  If an artifact was taken out of the collection, this information was also noted and listed as a deaccession.

Zonder titel
Alvin Patton Papers
S-1959 · Collectie · 1974-1977

The Patton Papers contain mainly correspondence between the Representative and his constituents, government reports, newspaper clippings, and the minutes of the Committee on Local and Urban Affairs. The majority of these items date between 1974 and 1977. Some items of interest within the collection are: the Board of Regents 1975 Election, the Metrodome stadium Bill, and general information on the Metropolitan Stadium.

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James C. Pehler Papers
S-33 · Collectie · 1970-1990

This collection contains various materials relating to James Pehler and the time in spent in public office. These materials include awards given to Pehler, correspondence between the public and other politicians, campaign materials, proposals for a domed stadium, an assortment of various educational programs supported and participated by Pehler, environmental issues he was involved in, drafts of letters to be sent out in response to public questions, a work resume, legislative pamphlets, memos, newspaper clippings, press release, the Senate Journal, and various miscellaneous materials.

The first box in this collection contains various awards, certifications, and plaques Pehler received from various organizations he supported. The awards are in various physical conditions and some are undated.

The major part of this collection is the constituent correspondence between Pehler and the public. These correspondence date between the years 1972 through 1990, and are arranged in chronological order by date. The content matter of the correspondence mostly deal with legislative matters on a wide range of topics. They provide insight to public sentiment towards prospective laws and way of life in Minnesota.

Zonder titel
Records of the Photo Club
221 · Collectie · 1973-1996

These records contain photographic materials created by the student SCSU Photo Club. These records include materials such as photos, negatives, slides, and a certificate that pertain to the Photo Club and its members, as well as other general student events and campus life.

The records are arranged in three series.

Series 1: Photo Album

Included are photographs that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, North Shore Trip, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 2: Negative Album

Contains the negatives that document Photo Club events such as the Old Fashion Photo Shoot, Sherburne Spring Fling, Santa Shoot, and others. These materials were together in bound album.

Series 3: Images and Other Materials

This series includes photos, negatives, slides and certificate created by or given to the Photo Club students. These materials document the Photo Club members' trips and events, such as Group Pictures, Halloween Party, and canoeing. The slides document other general student activities and campus life, as well as St. Cloud State buildings.

Zonder titel
235 · Collectie · 1947-2013

This collection contains materials created by the Faculty Wives and Women organization ranging from their establishment in 1947 up until the year 2013.

Materials included are official meeting minutes spanning from 1960-2003, club directories from 1963-2013, treasurer/ budget reports from 1963-1989 and 1995-2008. Included are five scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photographs, and club event flyers. In the earliest scrapbook, there are early meeting notes and yearly club summaries along with the clippings from the St. Cloud Times relating to the club. Later editions of scrapbooks contain more photos and even a few obituaries of long-time members. Researchers may find this collection a helpful insight into the lives of women living on and around campus, as well as how faculty wives created ways to connect with the community.

Zonder titel
Max Partch Papers
106 · Collectie · 1949-2003

This collection contains slides of nature-oriented images taken by Max Partch.  The images cover a wide variety of flora, fauna and landscape. Images include bird habitats and colonies, varieties of trees, damage and erosion both natural and man-made, nature formations such as cliffs, lakes, bluffs, ponds and marshes, and animals such as fox and beaver. Geographically, the images are primarily from Minnesota, in particular St. Cloud and Stearns County, but include locations in Wisconsin and Arizona.  Areas most depicted include the Cold Spring Heron Colony in Cold Spring, Minnesota, as well as other Minnesota heron colonies, nature sites including the prairie around Waubun, Minnesota, Englund Ecotone Preserve in Benton County, Minnesota, Partch Woods, St. Cloud, Minnesota, and other nature sites around Minnesota. Dates range from 1949 to 2003, but are heavily concentrated between 1949 and 1990.

Most slides contain an identifying number.  The numbers are unique, but do not correspond to any known system.  Most slides also contain a date, location, and brief description, though a few slides lack any additional descriptive information.  In some cases, the creator grouped ‘like’ items together for presentations and appearances, and that arrangement has been retained.

The descriptions for each slide was transcribed and included in the finding aid.

Zonder titel
8 · Collectie · 1966-2018

These boxes contain records about St. Cloud State University presidential inaugurations, dating from 1966 to 2008. The presidential inaugurations included here are for the following people who held office: Robert Wick, Charles Graham, Brendan McDonald, Roy Saigo, and Earl Potter, III. Additions to these series may be ongoing.

Arranged chronologically, the main focus of the records is the preparation for the inaugurations and the ceremonies themselves. Included in the records are detailed schedules of events, press releases, invitations and guest lists.

Other material is contained here, including correspondence, reports, and audio/video of presidential inaugurations.

The Presidential Inauguration records are split into five separate series.

Series 1: Robert Wick, 1965-1971

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 14th President, Dr. Robert Wick, who held office from 1965 to 1971. The inauguration was held during the weekend of October 28th and 29th of 1966. The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra performed at this event.

The series contains a vast array of materials, which include schedules, the Inaugural Address on an audio track (reel-to-reel) in mono at 3 ¾ ips, 2 reels of film, copies of speeches, invitations and programs. The collection also includes two large scrapbooks and many 8 x 10” labeled photographs, in both matte and glossy format.

Series 2: Charles Graham, 1971-1981

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 15th President, Dr. Charles Graham, who held office from 1971 to 1981. The inauguration was held during the weekend of March 3rd and 4th of 1972. The musical performance at this ceremony was by Doc Severinsen of “The Tonight Show” fame.

The series contains materials created by the following committees: Ceremony Committee, Concerts Committee, Publicity and Printing Committee, and the Reception Committee. The series also includes 1 reel-to-reel audio track at 3 ¾ ips along with an audiocassette, press releases, a personal information sheet on Dr. Graham, newspaper clippings, memorandum, rosters, correspondence, guest lists, and invitations. Other materials include numerous letters of congratulations and certificates from local academic institutions.

Series 3: Brendan McDonald, 1982-1992

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 17th President, Dr. Brendan McDonald, who held office from 1982-1992. The inauguration was held on February 26, 1983.

The series contains materials created by the Steering Committee. It also includes one VHS and one cassette tape of the inauguration ceremony, correspondence, financial information, invitations, press releases, programs, and speeches.

Series 4: Roy Saigo, 2000-2007

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 21st President, Dr. Roy Saigo, who held office from 2000-2007. The inauguration was held on April 21, 2001.

Series 5: Earl Potter III, 2007-2016

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 22nd President, Dr. Earl H. Potter III. Contained in this series is an invitation to the inauguration ceremony and the program that was given to attendees. The inauguration was held on September 19, 2008.

Series 6: Robbyn Wacker

This series contains materials created for the inauguration of St. Cloud State’s 24st President, Dr. Robbyn Wacker, who held office from 2018-2024.

Zonder titel
S-1810 · Collectie

This collection contains Stearns County voter registration cards for the years 1925-1934. Only the last names starting with the letter "S" through "Z" are included.  The information not only includes a voting record but also biographical information about the voter such as: place of residence, nativity, citizenship-naturalized, parent's name and/or husband's name, and signature.

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