Photographic Print Collection

Elementos de identidade

Código de referência


Nome e localização da entidade custodiadora

Nível de descrição



Photographic Print Collection


  • 1869-2000s (Produção)


18.96 linear feet [41 boxes and one oversize drawer]

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

St. Cloud State University was established by the state of Minnesota in 1869 as the Third State Normal School.

Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

This collection covers a wide variety of topics at St. Cloud State University - people, places, events, units, and athletics.  The collection was created from a huge and poorly unorganized mess of photographic prints held in University Archives.  Since the orgainization of the prints was poor, an artificial order was imposed on them to make more accessible.

Dating mostly from roughly between the early 1970s and the late 1990s, there are no specific creators but it is suspected that the University Photographer took many of the images and that the negatives from them are in the University Photographer collection. If not the University Photographer, the images were likely taken by other university employees for university business. If so, the copyright is held by St. Cloud State University.

Photographic print color snapshots, which date from the last half of the 1990s, are very likely not in the University Photographer Collection. There are images that do date before 1970s, especially mostly of buildings, which date before and after the turn of the 20th century, but are a small majority of the total images. Most images are undated and unidentified - the images were put into an appropriate series. To date the images, one must look at content and decide on an approximate date.

This collection is separated into two groups, then into series. Within those series, some are divided into sub-series when appropriate. The description below applies to both groups of images.

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. Nearly all of the images are action, group, and team shots of various sports.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series contains photographic prints of mostly campus buildings and space. There are some slides that depict locations outside of campus and are not.

This series is divided into three sub-series;

Sub-series 1: General Campus

This sub-series contains slides showing campus by air, campus artwork, mostly outdoors, and campus scenes. Campus scenes show various exterior spots on campus and often contain multiple campus buildings. These images often show people within these spaces, which focus mostly on the space.

Sub-series 2: Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces

Divided by specific campus buildings and space, the images show most often the exterior and, sometimes, the interior of buildings. The slides are sub-divided when appropriate by folder. Some material here show the interior of campus buildings extensively, most notably Centennial Hall as a library (1971-2000), as well as Garvey Commons, and Kiehle as a library (1952-1971). The images show mostly students interacting with the space.

The oversize photographs date before and just after 1900, especially for Old Main, both Lawrence Halls, Riverview, Shoemaker Hall, and the Old Model School.

If there was a specific event associated with a campus building or space, such as groundbreakings, dedications, and cornerstone layings, the slides were placed in this series and not the Social Activities and Events series.

Sub-series 3: Non-campus Buildings and Spaces

There weresome images that showed non-campus spaces, such as downtown St. Cloud, downtown Minneapolis, 10th Street / University bridge, and the neighborhood surrounding the campus as it grew. There are some images that were included here that are now part of campus but when taken were not, such as those that list intersections by street names, and include those homes that stood nearby.  These homes no longer stand.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

This series contains materials related specifically to campus units, including departments, programs, and student groups by name. if there were events specifically associated with a unit, those images appear here, especially those for Learning Resources Services.

Series 4: People

This series focuses mostly on images of students, though there are some images here that are not student related. These students are shown together in groups, walking on campus, participating in class, studying, relaxing in their resident hall rooms, attending athletic events, participating in recreational sports, and as cheeleaders, danceline, or as the Husky mascot.

This series does not contain all images of students but those that were generally identified as students outside of those images that appeared in those related to Centennial Hall and other campus buildings, participating in study-abroad programs, or those depicted in social activities and events.

The oversize images are particularly rich, containing the class composite photos and individual faculty and student protraits, many of which appeared on the composite class photos.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

Filed in alphabetical order, this series contains slides from specific events such as homecoming, commencement, and registration, to politicians, musical groups, and Hollywood actors. Those folders labeled as "Campus Events" contain images in which the specific event is unidentified.

Series 6: Other

This series contains imagess that did not fit into any of the above categories. Most notable are photo albums from St. Cloud State's centennial celebration as well as the 1975 celebration related to St. Cloud State (and other state four year schools) changing its status from a college to a university.

Series 7: Large Oversize Images

This series contains very large oversize images that could not fit into archival boxes. Due to their size, a separate series was created, but are a small majority of this collection. Particularly notable are the panoramic images from the 1910s and 1920s that featured all students and faculty, usually taken in front of Old Main and Lawrence Hall.

Sistema de arranjo

This collection is organized in two groups. Then each group is separated into six series with a seventh series in the oversize images. Within those series, some are divided into sub-series when appropriate.

Images are often separated by size and then color. Smaller black and white images are filed first, especially those that are clearly older, then color. Then bigger black and white images are next, followed by larger color images.

Besides trying to put clearly older images first, the images within the folders are not in any chronological order. It was impossible to pinpoint even exact years for nearly all images.

Group 1: Photographic Prints

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. The sports are listed in alphabetical order.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series is divided into three sub-series; General Campus, Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces, Non-campus Buildings and Spaces. Within each sub-series, the folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 4: People

This series is divided into two sub-series: Individuals and Students. The folders are then organized in alphabetical order.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 6: Other

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Group 2: Photographic Prints (Oversize)

Series 1: Athletics

The series is divided by sport and then by gender, if applicable, within the sport. The sports are listed in alphabetical order.

Series 2: Buildings and Spaces

This series is divided into three sub-series; General Campus, Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces, Non-campus Buildings and Spaces. Within each sub-series, the folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 3: Campus Units and Organizations

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 4: People

This series is divided into two sub-series: Individuals and Students. The folders are then organized in alphabetical order.

Series 5: Social Activities and Events

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 6: Other

The folders are organized in alphabetical order.

Series 7: Large Oversize Images

Though the series are not identified, these images are organized according the six series used to organize images in these two groups. Location is identified here as well.

Records are located in 22E.1a-7f and oversize drawer 19.

Condições de acesso e uso dos elementos

Condições de acesso

There are no access restrictions.

Acesso físico

Acesso técnico

Condiçoes de reprodução

Permission to publish, quote, and reproduce must be secured from the copyright holder.

Idiomas do material

    Escrita do material

      Notas ao idioma e script

      Instrumentos de descrição

      Elementos de aquisição e avaliação

      História custodial

      Fonte imediata de aquisição

      Informações de avaliação, seleção e eliminação

      This collection was created from poorly organized images held in University Archives.  During the arrangement and desciption process, duplicates were removed and an artificial order was imposed.



      Elementos de materiais relacionados

      Existência e localização de originais

      Existência e localização de cópias

      Material arquivístico relacionado

      Slide Collection, Early 1950s to Early 2000s

      Records of the University Photographer, 1962-2004

      Descrições relacionadas

      Elemento de notas

      Notas especializadas

      Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

      Elemento de controle de descrição

      Regras ou convenções

      Fontes utilizadas

      Nota do arquivista

      Processed by Tom Steman, 2016 to 2018.

      Pontos de acesso

      Pontos de acesso - Locais

      Pontos de acesso - Nomes

      Pontos de acesso de género

      Área de ingresso