Records of the Women's Recreation Association

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Records of the Women's Recreation Association



3.76 linear feet

Nome do produtor

História administrativa

Women's Recreation Association was a student organization that was established in March 1929 and was active to around the 1977/1978 academic school year. First established as a chapter of the national Women's Athletic Association to promote women's participation and development in athletics and physical education, the W.A.A. would retain this national affilition through December 1961. The organization adopted the name Women's Recreation Association (W.R.A.) because they believed it would make the organization more inclusive to all female students on campus, as well as be more reflective of all the activities and sports that the group hosted and coordinated on campus.

The W.R.A. also marks the begining of women's intercollegiate sports on campus. The group hosted tournaments for women's volleyball and basketball, as well as organizing leagues for softball, gynamstics, and track and field events alongside the various other extracurricular activities the organization hosted.

The W.R.A. appears in the student handbook for the last time in the 1977/1978 academic school year. It is unclear why they disbanded.

Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Women's Recreation Association records contain documents, promotional items, and administrative files related to the operation of organization, as well as records associated with the planning, execution, and review of the events that the organization created and ran for female students. The majority of the records range from the early 1950s through the mid-1970s. Depending on the event or subject, files may contain student organization notes, promotional fliers, and rosters for the students that participated in the highlighted events.

The records are arranged in two series.

Series 1: Administrative Files

The records in this series highlight specific events or sports that the organization sponsored, as well as copies of the yearly constitutions and photographs from a variety of the events and sports offered by the organization.

Series 2: Scrapbooks

This series contains scrapbooks from the WRA that cover an academic year and showcase the diffrerent events and sports the organization organized and hosted, as well as a scrapbook for the Orchesis Modern Dance group that the WRA organized.

Sistema de arranjo

This collection is organized into two series, which are as follows:

Series One: Administrative Files

Records are filed in alphabetical order and organized by subject.

Series Two: Scrapbooks

Scrapbooks are organized chronologically by academic year and highlight the various events from the specified year.

Records are located at 30E.1a-2c.

Condições de acesso e uso dos elementos

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There are no access restrictions.

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Permission to publish, quote, and reproduce must be secured from the copyright holder.

Idiomas do material

  • inglês

Escrita do material

    Notas ao idioma e script

    Instrumentos de descrição

    Elementos de aquisição e avaliação

    História custodial

    Fonte imediata de aquisição

    Informações de avaliação, seleção e eliminação



    Elementos de materiais relacionados

    Existência e localização de originais

    Existência e localização de cópias

    Material arquivístico relacionado

    Descrições relacionadas

    Elemento de notas

    Notas especializadas

    Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

    Elemento de controle de descrição

    Regras ou convenções

    Fontes utilizadas

    Nota do arquivista

    Processed by Kayla Stielow in September 2017.

    Pontos de acesso

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    Pontos de acesso - Nomes

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