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S-1999 · Collection · 1980-1981

The Wright-Way Shopper began on June 27, 1980. The publication included historic reviews of the communities in the Wright County area. It was also designed as a vehicle for advertisers who wanted a large yet concentrated coverage for his/her business or company in the Wright County area. It was published on a bi-monthly basis and each issue contained a feature story on town histories, landmarks, institutions, or special events.

On June 23, 1981, the name changed to Wright-Way...Sher-Way Shopper to include Sherburne County. The paper became a weekly publication, and included in the paper were television listings and several syndicated columns.

Wright-Way...Sher-Way Shopper
S-1 · Collection · 1936-1939

The collection consists of over 1500 biographical sketches created by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the years from 1936 through 1939 of early settlers of Stearns County, Minnesota, who lived predominantly during the 1800s, though a few can be dated to the late 1700s. By keeping their focus on the "common" person in society, the WPA biographies present examples of how the working class spent their lives. In addition, there are several immigrant accounts that share struggles and triumphs of settling in Stearns County.

A combination of interviews, information taken from books or newspapers, census data and courthouse records are put together in these files to create as complete of a genealogical picture as possible. All files are different - some may contain a combination of an interview summary, information taken from published sources, and census data and courthouse from the Stearns County courthouse. If the interview is not conducted with the subject themselves, they were usually conducted with a family member. This information is listed at the end of each sketch along with the name of the interviewer. Birth and death dates were included if known. It is believed that the people presented in these biographies were selected at random which come from diverse backgrounds. Some of the subjects discuss their interactions with Native Americans, while others briefly talk about their daily routine.

Included with these biographies is A Report on The Stearns County, Minnesota Biographical Sketches, written in 1983 by undergaduate student Marilyn Salzl Brinkman. This detailed report focuses on the analyzation of demographic data and interpretation of the agriculture-based subjects the WPA interviewed.

S-2081 · Collection · 1989-1993

This is a collection of material created and acquired from 129 mostly central Minnesota WWII veterans. The collection has 116 separate oral histories done from 1989 to 1993 for a project headed by St. Cloud State University History faculty member David Overy.

The material included that are not oral histories range from newspaper clippings, photographs, and paperwork related to an individual's service in the military, as well as souvenirs picked up while in Europe and from European Axis forces.

Most veterans included in this collection have an oral history with a handful that do not.  Also included material the veterans donated that relate to their experiences to go along with the oral histories that were conducted.

If there was no oral history for an individual, it was noted.

A few veterans had served solely during the Korean War and some served both in WWII and in Korea.

William M. Lindgren Papers
188 · Collection · 1920-1993

The William M. Lindgren Papers are organized by series. The bulk of the material are images, mostly slides, that date just after World War II until his death in October 1993.

Series 1: Personal Papers

Organized into three sub-series, these materials focus on many aspects of Lindgren's life. Materials related to his academic career as a student and St. Cloud State faculty member are here, including two lectures (with recordings), his master thesis from the University of British Columbia, and various certificates and diplomas.

There is significant biographical information here as well. His autobiography, done in 1993 before he passed away, is key and tells Lindgren's life story through his own words. Lindgren's passports are important as they document the places he traveled for almost 50 years.

In addition, there is some correspondence with pen pals (as well as his parents) from all over the world.

Series 2: Photo Albums

The photo albums document mostly Lindgren's travels for almost fifty years. The photo albums that date before 1970 are particularly important, as they show Lindgren's extensive travels throughout Asia, including China, India, and the Middle East. The early albums show Lindgren as a young man before, during, and just after World War II are significant as well, especially the album that focuses on a visit to Yellowstone Park in 1940-1941.

The photo albums after 1970 are primarily Lindgren traveling when he was semi-retired or retired. The albums also include images of family activities in Cambridge or other Minnesota locations.

The photo albums in boxes 3 through 6 each include an index of the images and the descriptions that Lindgren gave them and with some commentary. These descriptions were created by student Christina T. Markwood-Rod in the early 2000s. In addition, some of the photo albums have been scanned to provide easier access.

Series 3: Print Images and Negatives

Dating primarily from the 1970s through the early 1990s, this series includes both print images and negatives. These images focus on Lindgren's world travels.

Some print images in this series do have negatives and are kept together.  The negatives were organized here as Lindgren had organized them. The description was taken from the negative/photo envelope, which were written by Lindgren or Markwood-Rod.  Those negatives that did not have photographs with them were kept together as units. These negatives, especially those from the 1980s and early 1990s, are for some of the images in the photo albums in series 2.

Significant images include the portraits of Lindgren as a young man and as he aged over time, including his passport photos. There are images of his parents, Roy and Rudy Lindgren, as children, young adults, and as they aged, too.

Series 4: Slides

Sub-series 1: Slide Presentations

This sub-series contains color slides, as organized by Lindgren, of his travels while working, especially in Asia during the 1940s through the early 1960s. Many of the slides have descriptions written on them by Lindgren. Locations featured include China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Macao (China).

These slides were used by Lindgren for presentations to his classes and for other events.

Sub-series 2: Other slides

This sub-series contains color slides and described as "unused", as opposed to the slides in sub-series 1. These slides were organized by location by Lindgren. The majority of slides have descriptions written on them by Lindgren, as well as lists that were on slide storage cases in Lindgren's hand.  Dating from the 1950s through the 1960s, locations visited include Australia, England, France, Greece, Nepal, North America, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.

All the slides from both sub-series have been digitized as lower resolution JPEG images and available in an instance of Omeka. Each folder in this series was created as a separate collection in Omeka. Also, each image has been given a unique image ID number, starting with "LGR".

Information was added into the description field for individual slides if there was any to add. That information came from what Lindgren wrote directly on the slide as well as anything that was on list from the slides storage box. These lists were only from Sub-series 2: Other Slides. When the writing was hard to read, we did the best we could to transcribe it and then added a question mark in brackets. Anything that was added by Archives' staff was always put into brackets, especially if the slide was not identified but the landmark was easily recognized.

Lindgren, William M.
William Heuer Papers
S-1931 · Collection · 1954-1966

The Heuer Papers consist of constituent correspondence from 1957 to 1966 while serving as a Minnesota state senator. Also included here are correspondence and meeting minutes from the Todd County Committee for the Minesota Statehood Centennial, in which he served as chair.

Heuer, William
William Ellingson Papers
218 · Collection · 1970-1979

Cartoons, mostly humorous and editorial, regarding life at St. Cloud State. In the unbound folders, there are copies that appeared in the "published' books as well as original drawings of the cartoons.

Ellingson, William J.
Tschumperlin Family Papers
S-57 · Collection · 1867-1956

The Tschumperlin Family Papers contain eight record series: Mining, Furniture, Funeral, Red Cross, Books, Personal and Photographs, Other, and Financial Records. The papers relate mostly to Aloys John Tschumperlin, son of Aloys Tschumperlin and Mary Grandelmeyer.

Series 1: Mining

This series contains records related to the mines near the city of Hamilton in White Pine County, Nevada. The mines were initially owned by Aloys Tschumperlin's uncle Joseph Grandelmeyer, who settled in the area ca. 1868. Grandelmeyer died in December 1906 and left the mines to Tschumperlin and other nieces and nephews. Tschumperlin helped manage the mines from afar, often leasing them to other parties, periodically investigating the remaining mineral worth, and attempting to sell them for profit. Tshcumperlin and the others eventually lost ownership of the mines due to the non-payment of back taxes during the Great Depression.

Series 2: Furniture

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin Furniture Company

Sub-series 1: Correspondence and Invoices

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding advertising, pricing, stock, quotes, order problems, and shipping. The majority of invoices are from wholesalers to Tschumperlin Furniture Co. for both merchandise and published ad space.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements and Catalogs

This sub-series contains catalogs (included is the year the catalog was released) and advertisements from manufacturers that often include a price list.

Series 3: Funeral

Divided into two sub-series, this series contain records about the Tschumperlin funeral business

Sub-series 1: Correspondence, Invoices, and Other Material

There are letters of correspondence to and from manufacturers and wholesalers regarding products, discounts, equipment, order inquiries, stock, shipping, and payment. The majority of invoices are from manufacturers to the Tschumperlin Company for supplies and equipment, mostly from the St. Paul Casket Co. There are also invoices from Tschumperlin Co. to clients for embalming services. There are various permits and certificates including transportation of corpse permits from dead World War I soliders and also for Tschumperlin's mother Mary. There is a certificate from the Minnesota Board of Health to Tschumperlin's brother Joseph W. that shows he was a licensed embalmer in the state of Minnesota.

Sub-series 2: Advertisements, Catalogs, and Publications

The records include publications that update changes within the funeral business - funeral and supply codes, health, and chemicals. They also include new merchandise, articles about restorative art, infection prevention, and embalming treatments.

Series 4: Red Cross

Tschumperlin was named chapter chairman of the Red Cross Stearns County chapter in June 1932. The chairman was tasked with the distribution of flour and feed to the needy farmers and families in the county. The Red Cross requisitions contain a notebook with Red Cross notes and American National Red Cross Warehouse requisition slips to the Stearns County chapter noting the delivery and distribution of flour.

Series 5: Books

This series contains books from Tschumperlin's personal collection of books, including those in German, spelling books, a hymn book, and a violin methods book. There is also an account book of Earl Scott who worked in the real estate and insurance business. (Tschumperlin purchased the house Earl Scott and his family lived in and turned it into a funeral home in 1930.)

Series 6: Personal and Photographs

Divided into two sub-series, this series contains personal correspondence and images.

Sub-series 1: Personal

This sub-series contains personal correspondence written to Aloys Tschumperlin from 1901 to 1930. The correspondence chronicle mostly personal matters and, sometimes, business. The letters from friend Gustav Schwyzer and Tschumperlin's wife Elizabeth McLaughlin (including letters before they married in August 1907) had been separated from the rest of the correspondence. Other correspondents include daughter Margaret, sisters Mary, Anna, and Ethel, brothers Joseph and Ray, cousins Rosa Grandelmeyer and Luella Morehead, father-in-law Jason McLaughlin, uncles Joseph and Chris Grandelmeyer, St. Cloud State faculty member George Hubbard, George Benz, and other extended famliy members and friends.

Sub-series 2: Photographs

The images here are mostly unidentified except for the folders that have identified images, including Aloys and Margaret Tschumperlin and the Schwyzer family. Also included here is a confirmation certificate for the Martha, Edna, and Emma Kuhlman.

Series 7: Other

This series contains records that do not fit into other series. Included is a medical record for Aloys Tschumperlin from St. Raphael's Hospital, Tschumperlin's World War I registration card, miscellaneous financial records including three small notebooks, school work that belongs to Peter Scott (Tschumperlin purchased the house from the Scott family and turned it into a funeral home in 1930), various newspaper clippings, and records pertaining to Tschumperlin's various business organizations such as Elks Home Fund Association, St. Cloud Business Men's Association, and Catholic Order of Foresters. There are also records pertaining to the Pan Motor Company in which Tschumperlin was a stockholder of for at least 20 shares. There are letters to subscribers and shareholders asking for money and updating on shareholder meetings and news. Also included is a Pan Car brochure, stock certificates, and copies of purchases orders from S.C. Pandolfo to Tschumperlin Furniture Company. There is also a letter Tschumperlin wrote in support of Pan Motor Company being able to sell stock in Minnesota. The records from the St. Cloud Credit Association contain weekly bulletins. Their goal was to maintain an adequate credit rating system for businesses in St. Cloud. The bulletin had updates on those with chattel mortgages, liens, deeds, real estate mortgages, etc.

Series 8: Financial Records

This series includes multiple volumes of financial books and ledgers pertaining to the furniture or funeral businesses. The accounting journals list cash receipts and disbursements on a double entry basis, and receivables and credit sales on a single entry basis. The account ledger contains Tschumperlin's customer accounts and the transactions of each customer. The ledger keeps track of customers in alphabetical order. The St. Cloud Normal School is listed in this ledger along with its transactions with Tschumperlin Furniture Company. The sales journals keep track of what is being sold by listing the date, customer's name, and what they purchased along with the price.

Tschumperlin, Aloys
Theatre Magazine Collection
187 · Collection · 1909-1975

This collection consists of eight different theater publications: The Billboard Index/Year Book of the New York Legitimate Stage from 1936-1938; New Theatre Magazine from 1960, 1962-1963; Performing Arts from 1967-1976; Plays and Players from 1967-1972; The Stage from 1933-1941; Theatre Arts from 1929-1964; The Theatre Magazine from 1909; Theatre Crafts from 1967-1968.  The Stage and Theatre Arts have the most issues, and thus make up the bulk of this collection.

100 · Collection

In 1969, St. Cloud State celebrated the centennial of it's establishment by the state of Minnesota in 1869. Many activities were planned that surrounded this anniversary. These volumes document those activities as well as the residential community that encomposed the campus, which stood almost exclusively on the Mississippi River along 1st Avenue South between 6th and 9th Street South.

L. Ruth Cadwell, a faculty member at St. Cloud State between 1924 and 1966, was responsible for the gathering and organization of information and images of these volumes. She organized them into nine separate volumes. This collection contains two sets of these volumes, though volume 8 is not included here.  According to the foreword that appears in volume 1, there are differences between the two sets, which are marked appropriately on the spine of each volume. The foreword reads, "Because of the difficulty of collecting materials it was necessary to have some variation between set one and set two. Therefore, should you desire to view the complete materials collected, you are urged to study both copies of the St. Cloud State College Centennial set."

Series 1: History

Ms. Cadwell organized the history into nine separate volumes, some that have two or more parts.

Volume 1 - Early Use of the Present Site: In three parts, volume 1 documents the early uses of the 1969 campus. Photographs of houses that stood on campus are organized by street.

Volume 2 - The Centennial Begins: This volume contains historic images and documents regarding the history of St. Cloud State.

Volume 3 - Brochures, Invitations, and Programs: This volume contains a wide variety of material related to the events and other activities related centennial and for the 1968/69 academic year.

Volume 4 - Centennial Events: This volume contains images and other related material regarding events for the centennial, including the Centennial Hall groundbreaking and Heritage Day.

Volume 5 - News Releases:This volume contains news releases for events, fundraisers, and other activities related to St. Cloud State's centennial.

Volume 6 - News reports: In three parts, this volume contains newspaper clippings about the centennial. Part 1 contains 1960 to October 1968; Part 2 contains November 1968 to March 1969; and Part 3 contains April 1969 to June 1969.

Volume 7 - Communication to Obtain Materials for History: Copies of letters written by Ms. Cadwell requesting photographs of the campus site and the responses received.

Volume 8 - The Chronicle, July 1968 to June 1969: Both copies are part of these records and bound in black with the title "The Centennial: 1869-1969, A Heritage of Excellence," as well as indicated as volume 8.

Volume 9 - The Reporter, July 1968 to June 1969: The volume contains copies of the alum newsletter, The Reporter, as well as men's basketball programs.

Series 2: Negatives and Slides

This series contains negatives of various homes, buildings, and other views of the campus area. It is not clear if the negatives were taken from the photographs, or if the photographs were created from the negatives.

St. Cloud State University
Sue Henrikson Papers
224 · Collection · 1953-1957

The papers contain two scrapbooks with photos, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, ticket stubs, programs, and memorabilia in regards to the her social life at St. Cloud Teachers College from 1953 to 1957. Materials document a variety of a topics, including freshman orientation camp at Lake Kronos, elected student officials, student dances, celebrity visits (Duke Ellington dance), Henrikson’s class schedule, honor student certificates, letters from home, Al Sirat social fraternity gatherings and events, Minerva Society socials and events, Associated Women Student (AWS) events and members, Religion in Life Week (RIL) committee members, theater, and Choral Club performances.

Henrikson, Sue