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Legislators and Politics Oral Histories
183 · Colección · 1970-1988

These oral histories were predominantly done in the 1970s with half conducted in 1973. Some date from the 1980s and early 1990s.  The majority of the interviews are with state legislators and the remaining are with mayors, city councilmen, campaign managers, party managers, widows of politicians, and US Congressmen.  All of the participants were men except three (who were widows) and represented Central Minnesota communities ranging from Sandstone to Brainerd to those locations just north of the Twin Cities.

With some variance, all participants were asked similar questions including personal and family history in Minnesota, early political interests and activities, committee assignments, sponsored bills, the campaign and election process, the legislative process, and their future plans in politics.  Unique questions were asked of individuals as the interview unfolded.  Certain political issues that were significant in the early 1970s are common topics including new party designation requirements, lengths of terms, legislator salaries, and the impact of Nixon’s landslide victory in 1972 on local elections.  The Watergate scandal is also discussed in several interviews.

Since the legislators’ service collectively goes back to 1935, the changes in the atmosphere, organization, and membership of the legislature are discussed in several oral histories.  Many of the interviews reference other participants in this oral history collection. For many, the interview often took place at the beginning or middle of their political careers.

Brief biographical sketches and interview notes are given for all participants.  Type of office, terms of service, and constituency represented are also listed.  Transcripts of interviews are available unless otherwise noted below.

Some interviews were actually transcribed. The typewritten transcripts were keyed into a Word document but have not been checked against the audio. Past experiences has suggested that the transcripts may not be complete. In the meantime, the transcripts are available here as PDFs.

Hjalmar Petersen and Family Papers
S-69 · Colección · 1922-1969

This collection consist of personal correspondence, newspaper articles, campaign materials, one microfilm, and miscellaneous items, all arranged chronologically. The majority of the personal correspondence are letters between Petersen and his wife Medora. Within these letters, the couple discuss various political events and Petersen’s thoughts on political issues. There is also two folders containing correspondence between Petersen and his brother-in-law, Georg Strandvold, discussing political issues.

The collection also contains various political materials, including: correspondences, campaign materials, business cards, speeches, biographical sketches, and other miscellaneous materials. There are a number of newspaper clippings concerning Petersen’s involvement in political issues as well as social events. There are also five, intact copies of the Askov American which Petersen owned and published.

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Records of Institutional Effectiveness
37 · Colección · 1934-2003

This collection contains records of Institutional Effectiveness. Founded in the late 1930s, the main task of this office was to "organize and conduct research studies to provide information and data, serving as a basis for University decision making..." The bulk of the records here serve that purpose, gathering and presenting information about St. Cloud State students, faculty, curriculum, and facilities.

Series 1: Administrative Records

This series contains annual reports, history of Institutional Effectiveness, and faculty rosters.  The faculty rosters are significant as they list biographical information about St. Cloud State faculty, including salary.  There are additional faculty rosters in Series 2 on microfiche.

Series 2: Reports

This series has a wide variety of reports, nearly all related to St. Cloud State.  Many of the reports are related to students, including enrollment, ACT profiles of incoming freshmen, grade distribution, and faculty-student ratios.  Other reports are arranged by topic and are listed individually to facilitate access.

Other significant records include those that give a snapshot of St. Cloud State University. This includes the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), 1966-1980, to the federal government's Department of Education. HEGIS reported on student enrollment, campus facilities devoted to instruction, finances of the university, and degrees awarded. The summary of academic data, dating from 1982 to 2003, compiled information at the department, college and university level about students and student enrollment, including year, gender and major, faculty and staff, credits generated, and class size.

Microfiche is included in this series, likely reports run from the office's database. By academic term, these records report on student enrollment, faculty, instructional load, courses offered and their history, ethnic and racial background of students, students martial status, and transfers to St. Cloud State.

University Archives does have digital records taken from this office's website but are not included in this finding aid.

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Isabel Lawrence Papers
196 · Colección · 1879-1936

This collection contains records and items related to Isabel Lawrence, faculty member and first female president of St. Cloud State University, acting or permanent. Items in this collection date from approximately 1879 to 1950, the majority of which were created between 1890 and 1920. The first two series contain documents that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by former faculty member and friend of Lawrence, Albertina C. Anderson. The papers contain drafts of articles and addresses by Lawrence, some of her personal notes on several topics including developmental psychology and literature, and writings by students and other faculty members that may have come into her possession. The third series contains articles of clothing that belonged to Lawrence and were kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson.

These records are arranged in four series:

Series 1: Records Created by Isabel Lawrence

This series contains a variety of typed and handwritten records. Much of it is drafts of essays, articles, and addresses by Lawrence discussing child and adolescent development and teaching methods, including a handwritten draft of a commencement address. Other records include personal notes on developmental psychology, literature, teaching methods, and lesson plans.

Series 2: Records Created by Other Writers

This series contains records that were not created by Lawrence but likely came into her possession and were found in the same donation. Records include, but are not limited to, writings by 1897 graduates Benhof E. Benhardus and Vernon E. McCombs, criticisms by faculty of practice teachers in St. Cloud State's model school, and records from other normal schools and teachers colleges in New York and Chicago.

Series 3: Clothing Belonging to Isabel Lawrence

This series contains clothing belonging to Isabel Lawrence that had been kept by Mrs. Blanche Anderson and were transferred to the University Archives by Mrs. Alice Wick, wife of former SCSU president Robert Wick. Included here are two dresses, a mesh top-coat, a fur handwarmer, five pieces of lace, and a 1987 letter from then University Archivist Marie Elsen to Blanche Anderson.

Series 4: Tribute and Other Material

This series contains mostly material related to Lawrence's retirement from St. Cloud State in May 1921. Letters were solicited from alumni and most letters received were bound into two volumes.  Other letters were left loose.  The bound letters are organized by graduating class and give tribute to Lawrence.  The letters congratulate Lawrence upon her retirement, share memories of her when the alum had attended St. Cloud State, and updates on their own lives.  There is a folder with Lawrence's 1936 obituary and other tribute material related to her death.

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St. Cloud State University Histories
25 · Colección · 1944-1994

Several histories have been written about St. Cloud State University since 1944, some brief, some much longer.

Records of Gamma Sigma Sigma
197 · Colección · 1908 - 1962

This collection contains the records of Gamma Sigma Sigma, previously called Sigma Theta Chi, and the Story Teller’s Club. Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and correspondence with Isabel Lawrence who organized the Story Teller’s Club. Also included is the club scrapbook which has photos, programs, and newspaper clippings. There are also records pertaining to the name change from Story Teller's Club, to Sigma Theta Chi, to Gamma Sigma Sigma.

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31 · Colección · 1954-2015

The field studies, theses, creative works, and starred papers are completed to fulfill the requirements to receive a master's degree.

After the state of Minnesota passed law in April 1953 to allow for "fifth year" courses or graduate classes at state colleges, St. Cloud State first offered graduate work in the summer of 1953. The first master's degrees were awarded in May 1954.

The records are organized in three series.

Series 1: Publications

This series contains manuals for the preparation of St. Cloud State field studies, theses, creative works and starred papers,  as well as abstracts of field studies, theses, creative works, and starred papers.  The abstracts are especially helpful as they give a short summary of work itself.

Series 2: Microfilm

This series contains microfilm of St. Cloud State field studies, theses, creative works and starred papers. Though not sure of the date range, it is believed that it goes back to the late 1950s.  This series also contains a nearly complete index to the microfilm. Microfilm copies are no longer created.

Series 3: Microfiche

This series contains microfiche of St. Cloud State field studies, theses, creative works and starred papers. Though not sure of the date range, it is believed that it goes back at least 1957.

There are bound copies of all St. Cloud State field studies, theses, creative works and starred papers, in the theses section of Miller Center.  In addition, these works are cataloged individually in the online catalog.

The copies of the St. Cloud State field studies, theses, creative works and starred papers are meant as a back up to the bound copies in the theses section of Miller Center.  The copies in this collection are only consulted when the paper copy is lost or stolen.

As of November 2015, the master theses were not printed and put on the library shelves with a microfiche copy given to University Archives. All master theses are now published on St. Cloud State's institutional repository at

The abstracts are also available alongside the theses in the theses section of Miller Center.

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Records of Normal Athletic Club
208 · Colección · 1890-1894

This collection contains the records of the Normal Athletic Club.  Included is one meeting minutes book.

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198 · Colección · 1887-1903

This collection contains the records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society. Included in the collection are: one book of financial statements, and six books of minutes.  Most of the minutes detail new members, elected postiions, resignations, and club program outlines.  The programs often included speeches, recitations, debates, solo performances, and readings.

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49 · Colección · 1931-2012+

This collection contains records from (and about) the Center for Student Organizations and Leadership Development, often called CSOLD.  The records date from 1931-2012, with the vast majority of the items pertaining to the plethora of student organizations that have existed over the years.  Additions to this collection may be ongoing.

The collection is arranged into eight series, which are as follows:

Series 1: Administrative Records, 1954-1987

This series consists of financial information and minutes for the collection.  Included within the financial records are items related to budget requests, allotments, disbursements, and expenditures. The items connected with the minutes include agendas, memos, and correspondence.  The records are organized first by financial information, followed by minutes, and then chronologically within.

Series 2: Atwood Board of Governors, 1965-1977, 1992

This series contains administrative records such as minutes and the constitution for the Atwood Board of Governors, which was a group that developed, organized, and implemented programs which served the cultural, educational, recreational, and social interests of the study body.  Also included are budget requests and a few brochures of happenings at Atwood Memorial Center such as film nights.

Series 3: Events, 1960-2002

The records in this series pertain to events bringing the campus community together, such as Homecoming and New Student Days.  The collection includes administrative records and brochures for each event, along with photographs for celebrations such as Mainstreet (1993-1995) and the Husky Hoopla.

Series 4: Major Events Council, 1970-1978

This series contains agendas, minutes, financial records, correspondence, brochures and fliers.  The Major Events Council was responsible for the development and administration of major programs which serve the cultural, educational, recreational, and social interests of the students and staff/faculty.  Included are fliers and brochures for programs put on by the Council, such as the Classical Concert Series and Performing Artists Series,

Series 5: Photographs, Miscellaneous, 1989-1999

This is undoubtedly the smallest series in the overall collection, barely filling one folder.  Included are miscellaneous photographs of students on campus, at the bookstore, eating, and at a Student Organizations office.

Series 6: Publications, 1972-2012

This is a relatively small series which consists of publications regarding student life on campus.  The Student Organization Guidebooks discusses relevant University and student organization policies, such as conduct, finances, event planning, etc.  The Soothsayer was a magazine about St. Cloud College and college life that was published during the 1970s.  It was sponsored and developed by the Office of Student Activities.

Series 7: Student Organizations, 1931-2000

The bulk of the collection is in this series, which resides in boxes 12-38.  The Student Organization files are arranged alphabetically, starting with Abelism Awareness to Zeta Sigma Chi.  The student clubs are quite diverse, with everything from fraternities and sororities to the Star Trek Society and Jugglers Against Oppression.  The items in these files include correspondence, organization recognition forms, organization membership rosters, and budget requests.  Some also include directories.

Series 8: Excellence in Leadership: 1988-2009

This series is arranged chronologically.  Files for each year begin with any correspondence or administrative records for the year, and are then followed by the files for the student winners.  The records for the students include their applications for the award, reference letters, and sometimes headshots.

The first Annual Awards Banquet took place on April 30, 1989.  Students who won the Excellence in Leadership awards were ones who had demonstrated contributions to St. Cloud State University and the local community.  The criteria for selecting award recipients include(d) leadership, creativity, social responsibility, and/or active participation in the campus and/or community.  Students also had to be enrolled for at least 12 credits and have completed 144 credits with a 3.25 or higher grade point average.

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