Elementos de identidade
Código de referência
Nome e localização da entidade custodiadora
Nível de descrição
Nome do produtor
Elementos de conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
Consist of: two pages of song lyrics ("I'll be a Sunbeam" and "Be Careful"); ABC Darkroom Outfit pamphlet; two advertisements of Weber Jewelry & Music Co.; one Christmas card from Mom and Dad, to Rose; one Christmas card to Rose (unsigned); newspaper clippings: Rose leaving for Washington D.C. again; two Easter cards (blank); one card for "A Speedy Recovery" from Warren Store employees; one Valentine's Day card from Mom and Dad; three Minnesota State High School Board Certificates awarded to Herman (Civil Government, Physical Geography, and Arithmetic); one music recital program; one advertisement from the St. Cloud Sentinel; one negative of a woman sitting at a desk; two newspaper clippings regarding Clausen brothers' drowning (William and Frank); one newspaper clipping regarding Miss Sylvia Clausen's engagement announcement; and Carl Wegner's Gasoline Rationing Regulation tickets